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Thursday, June 3, 2010

SRCA News and Notes

Dear Parish Family,
The Children's Ministry Newsletter for June is attached to this email. Please download it and take a look at what's happening with our Children's ministry, and read The Benninks' introduction of themselves as our new Children's Ministry Coordinators.

For our summer months, I plan to bring a series of messages I'm calling "Thunderous Thoughts." Each message will be grounded in one of the wonderful and marvelous truths about God and about us in relation to God. Why call them "thunderous thoughts?" There are two reasons. First, it is summer, and thunderstorms abound. Isn't that true in life as well? When we least expect it a 'storm" can break all around us. When storms come a true understanding of God can see us through.


My definition of thunderous thoughts ties into the second reason I am calling this summer's messages by that name. In my lingo, thunderous thoughts are those that change the landscape of our understanding. They are thoughts that, when owned, change the way we see God, ourselves, others, and the landscape around us. 


Our thunderous thought for Sunday (remember – I didn't say new thought) is that the God who created the entire universe and every substance in it, cares about every detail of our lives. If we really believe that – it can and will change our lives. The message for Sunday is based on the readings of the day (Proper 5), including 1 Kings 17:8-24, Psalm 146, Galatians 1:11-24, and Luke 7:11-17.


Join us as we gather to worship the living God. It won't be the same without you!


In Christ,





AM setup:  Mike, Charlie, Brad, Bruce, Tom

Take Down:  all hands on deck

Altar Guild:  Sally

Acolyte: Nicholas, Jack

Hospitality:  Kathy

Greeters:  Mary

Sunday School:  Branch's

Nursery:  staff

Reader/Prayers of the People: Jason

LEMs:  Paul, Kimberly

Prayer Team:  Zita, Don

Ushers:  Alan, Jon


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