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Thursday, April 22, 2010

News and Notes

Dear Parish Family,
I have attached a brochure about the ADV men's weekend to this email. It would be wonderful to have a group of our men attend! Please see Alan for informatin.

On Sunday we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Easter, putting us about half way through the fifty-day season. Our readings for today include Acts 9:36-43, Psalm 23, Revelation 7:9-17, and John 10:22-30. From Acts we hear how God heals Tabitha (Dorcas) through Peter. The words of the most famous chapter in the Bible ring out as we read the 23rd Psalm. In the Revelation to John we are again swept into the heavenlies as we join in that never-ending stream of worship. We hear that the lamb on the throne will be their shepherd. And from John we hear that Jesus' sheep listen to his voice.


Sunday's message will walk us through the familiar verses of the 23rd Psalm, helping us to appropriate those comforting words at a deeper level than is possible by simply reading it aloud. In the Psalm God is portrayed as both the shepherd and the host at the banqueting table. As you listen to the words of the psalm, invite the Holy Spirit to work them deep into your spirit. As you hear the exposition of the verses, ask God to help you appropriate their truth for your life. Use the images on the screen to anchor the psalm and its teaching in your life.


I'm so glad you are part of South Riding Church!. Let's be praying for God's word to transform us day by day.


In Christ,




Sunday Servers:

AM setup:  Mike, Charlie, Bruce, Brad, Tom

Take Down:  all hands on deck

Altar Guild:  Jason

Acolyte: Daniel, Virginia

Hospitality:  Kathy

Greeters:  volunteer (Mary is away)

Sunday School:  Katy

Nursery:  staff

Reader/Prayers of the People:  Bob

LEMs:  Jason, volunteer needed - email me to volunteer

Prayer Team:  Young Hee, Zita

Ushers:  Adrian, Alan


The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924

Saturday, April 17, 2010

News and Notes for 4/18/2010

Dear Parish Family,
This Sunday, April 18 we will gather for our first annual parish meeting together. Although congregational meetings have been held in the past, this meeting will be a bit different in nature as we will be moving to a fully elected vestry. A light lunch will be served, and we will "meet while we eat" so as to economize on time. We will be finished by 1:00.
Our current acting vestry members will be presented as one slate, and we will elect (or not elect) them as a group. Within that group some will rotate off in one year, and others in two years. We will also be electing two vestry persons to fill open positions. These two persons will serve for three years.
We a re blessed to have three persons who have agreed to run. All have been a member of the church and involved in the life and operation of the church for more than a year. Those persons include:
Steve Coates,
Young Hee Lanzillotti,
Charlie Meadows, and
Bob Richardson.
Please be praying about whom the Lord would have serve his church on vestry at this time.

During Sunday worship we will celebrate the Third Sunday in Easter. Our scripture readings include Acts 9:1-6, (7-20),
Psalm 30,
Revelation 5:11-14, and John 21:1-19.


We hear of the conversion of Saul / Paul, the majesty of worship in heaven's throne room, and the gospel account commonly called, "the restoration of Peter." In terms of preaching material it is a feast. One could wish they had not put three passages of such significance on the same Sunday. So much scripture, so little time…


We will walk together through the gospel reading, observing the seven disciples who had breakfast with Jesus on the lakeshore, and Peter in particular. What message was Jesus bringing to his followers as the attended his fish fry? What was his meaning when he commanded Peter to tend his sheep? What does it all mean for us?


Please make every effort to worship with us and to stay for our annual meeting. YOU ARE THE CHURCH, and when you are missing, our church is incomplete.


In Christ Alone,



Sunday Servers

AM setup:  Mike, Brad, Bruce

Take Down: all hands on deck 

Altar Guild:  Mary

Acolyte: Nicholas, Jack

Hospitality:  Kathy

Greeters:  Don and Gail

Sunday School:  Mary Ann

Nursery:  staff

Reader/Prayers of the People:  Jason

LEMs:  Paul, Mary

Prayer Team:  Young Hee, Zita

Ushers:  Adrian, Alan

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924

Friday, April 9, 2010

SRCA Updates

Dear Parish Family,
Teri Canody and I are just back from our diocesan synod (meeting). What a wonderful, exciting spirit was present as we listened to parish reports and conducted the business of the larger church. We are so blessed to be under the leadership of a godly bishop, and to be able to focus on sharing Jesus with our neighbors. I am blessed beyond measure.
Please plan now to worship with us on Sunday the 18th and to stay after worship for our first annual parish meeting. At that time we will hear about matters concerning our parish life. The annual meeting is a traditional part of the Anglican church world, and is an essential part of "being church" together. We will have child care, and a light lunch will be served as a part of the meeting. We will finish by 1:00.

This week we celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter (note it is not the Sunday after Easter). Our Easter celebration lasts fifty days, continuing through the celebration of Pentecost, which will be on /may 23rd this year. "Alleluia" will continue to resound through our worship as we celebrate the miracle of God's resurrection power at work.


During the Easter season our some of our Sunday gospel readings will be drawn from the accounts of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances. You will notice that there is no Old Testament reading. In its place read from the book of Acts, hearing about the early church. Our readings today include Acts 5:27-32, Psalm 150, Revelation 1:4-8, and John 20:19-31.


On Sunday we will welcome six of our children as we baptize them into Christ's one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. Please congratulate Joshua Canody, Colman Davenport, Mary Davenport, Elisa Davenport, Tess Davenport, and Sarah Davenport. Did you know that once baptized a child has all the rights and privileges of church membership with the exception of voting or holding any position that would require them to be legally responsible (running for vestry, etc.)? They are most welcome to receive communion, and once old enough to serve as acolytes (third grade), lectors and chalice bearers(16).


As a congregation we will make a serious promise to help these children come to know, love, and follow Jesus. Let's all be thinking how we can truly live into that promise!


Sunday Help:

AM setup in the gym:  Mike, Brad, Charlie, Bruce

Take Down:  all hands on deck

Altar Guild:  Jason

Acolyte: Colman, Mary

Hospitality:  Kathy

Greeters:  the Wheelers

Sunday School:  children in church to witness baptism

Nursery:  staff

Reader/Prayers of the People:  Tom

LEMs:  Mary, Jason

Prayer Team:  Young Hee, Zita

Ushers: Adrian, Young Hee





The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Greeting

Dearly loved family in the Lord,

We have had a wonderful Holy Week at South Riding Church, walking with Jesus through some of the events of this transformative week in his life. On Tuesday we walked with Jesus on his walk to Calvary with the Stations of the Cross. On Thursday we enjoyed a wonderful evening of table fellowship at our Seder Supper. On Friday night all present were tremendously moved and blessed by our service of Tenebrae. And this morning we were blessed to hand out Easter eggs and water at the South Riding Egg hunt. It was fun to turn frowns to smiles.

And now we are waiting... waiting through the length of Holy Saturday, as we recall Jesus, and we wait with eager anticipation for the first cry of Easter morning.

We will worship in the gym this Sunday. Our scripture readings for Easter will include Acts 10:34-43, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-21, 1 Corinthians 15:19-26, and Luke 224:1-12.
"Welcome happy morning age to age shall say" is the opening line from a traditional Easter hymn. It is indeed a joyous morning when we celebrate our Lord's resurrection. The apostle Paul captures the importance of the resurrection well when he says, "if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain" (1 Corinthians 15:14). As Christians we emphasize the importance of the cross of Christ, we wear the cross, venerate the cross. The two great commandments form a cross shape – the vertical bar representing our loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and the horizontal bar representing our loving relationship with our neighbors. The cross is the predominate symbol of the Christian faith.
But what about the empty tomb – the resurrection. The empty tomb is… well, empty. It is perhaps the most controversial tenet of the Christian faith. Why do we stumble around or over it? What does it say to us in our lives today? Let's listen together to what God might be saying to us in the emptiness of the tomb.

See you tomorrow!

In Jesus,


Sunday Lineup:
AM setup:  mostly done, but we might need to tweak a thing or two.
Take Down: All hands on deck, please! 
Altar Guild:  Sally for Set up, volunteers for take down
Acolyte: Nicholas - Cross, Candles - Jack and Virginia
Hospitality:  Kathy
Nursery:  cry room only.
Reader/Prayers of the People: Paul 
LEMs:  Mary, Jason
Prayer Team:  Zita, Young Hee
Ushers:  Adrian, Alan

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924