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Friday, December 21, 2012


This Sunday we will celebrate the Fourth Sunday in Advent, a time of penitence and the preparation of our hearts to once again receive Jesus as our Lord and our Savior. The fourth Sunday in Advent is associated with joy. We could use another set of hands on Sunday morning for set up as one of our regular crew is away. On Sunday and Christmas Eve our nursery will be open as a cry room only so all can enjoy the Pageant and our Christmas Eve worship. We love having all of our children in worship. Please, please do not worry about their wiggles and murmurs.

Our annual Christmas Pageant will be held this Sunday. Please invite, invite, invite family, neighbors, etc. to come and celebrate the season with us. All pageant participants will need to be in church at 9:00 on the 23rd for a dress rehearsal.

We will not meet during the 12 days of Christmas. Please pray for our parish in your prayers at home.
Please sign up today for Christmas Poinsettias in memory of or in thanksgiving for loved ones. You may email the church office at
SRCAnglican@gmail.com to sign up.
 Small plants are $8.00 and large plants are $16.00. In your email please indicate clearly the names of the people and whether the flowers are given in thanksgiving for or in memory of the person. 

This is a special time of celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus. Please plan to come and worship with us Monday evening. We are planning wonderful music and a special reading of the Christmas story from Luke. This is the perfect time to bring friends and neighbors. Our service begins at 5:00.

Our 2013 stewardship campaign is in full swing. If you have not received your envelope, please look for it in the mail, and make the time to watch the enclosed DVD of our Bishop John teaching on stewardship. SRCA is committed to being a tithing church, fulfilling God's call to us. Pledge cards will be presented and blessed on January 6th. Please prayerfully prepare yours and return it to Jason, Paul, or Pastor Becki+ on or before that date.
The Alpha Course will begin on Monday, January 7th.  It will run from 6:30 until 9:30. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to friends and neighbors who are open to exploring Christianity. Please pick up some invitation to give to your neighbors and friends.
The Alpha Marriage Course is an opportunity to "tune up" a marriage. It will also begin in January, and be held on Friday evenings beginning Jan. 4th. Begin praying now as to whether this is a good opportunity for you and your spouse to set aside a little "marriage time." This course is also open to those in the community.


Pastor Becki+

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

News 13 Dec 2012

Please keep your vestry in your prayers as they have a time of retreat on Friday evening (the 14th), and all day on Saturday the 15th. Pray the time will be a blessed time, and a productive time.

This Sunday we celebrate the third Sunday in Advent, a time of penitence and the preparation of our hearts to once again receive Jesus as our Lord and our Savior. The third Sunday of Advent is associated with love. Our readings will include Zephaniah 3:14-20, Philippians 4:4-7, and Luke 3:7-18.
We will meet on Tuesday at the Engelhardts' in Stone Ridge. We begin at 7:15 and conclude by 8:30. Prayer is our most important work. Please join us in praying for our church and our community. If you've never come, I invite you to come out and pray with us. You will walk away blessed!
Please sign up today for Christmas Poinsettias in memory of or in thanksgiving for loved ones. You may email the church office atSRCAnglican@gmail.com to sing up. Small plants are $8.00 and large plants are $16.00.
Our 2013 stewardship campaign began last Sunday. If you were not in church, please see Paul Branch for your packet, and make the time to watch the enclosed DVD of our Bishop John teaching on stewardship. SRCA is committed to being a tithing church, fulfilling God's call to us. Pledge cards will br presented and blessed on January 6th. Please prayerfully prepare yours and return it to Jason, Paul, or Pastor Becki+ on or before that date.
Our annual Christmas Pageant will be held on Sunday, Dec. 23rd. Please invite, invite, invite family, neighbors, etc. to come and celebrate the season with us. All pageant participants will need to be in church at 9:00 on the 23rd for a dress rehearsal.
This is a special time of celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus. Please plan to come and worship with us that evening. We are planning wonderful music and a special reading of the Christmas story from Luke. This is the perfect time to bring friends and neighbors. Our service begins at 5:00.
The Alpha Course will begin on Monday, January 7th.  It will run from 6:30 until 9:30. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to friends and neighbors who are open to exploring Christianity. Please pick up some invitation to give to your neighbors and friends.
The Alpha Marriage Course is an opportunity to "tune up" a marriage. It will also begin in January, and be held on Friday evenings beginning Jan. 4th. Begin praying now as to whether this is a good opportunity for you and your spouse to set aside a little "marriage time." This course is also open to those in the community.
Truro is hosting a "Messiah" sing along concert on Dec. 15th at 7:00 pm. Please visithttp://www.truroanglican.com/atrsbytruro for more information.

Friday, November 30, 2012


South Riding Church News and Sunday Information
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Sunday Servers

If you cannot serve, please find a replacement, and email pastor Becki+ to let her know of the change.
Mike, Charlie, Brad, Steve, Bruce
Take down: all hands on deck
Altar Guild: Christine
Greeter: Mary
Acolytes: Virginia, Aubery, Olarip, Olivia
Lector: Bob
Chalicists: Paul, Gail
Hospitality: Kathy
Nursery: Elizabeth, Carin
Sunday School: Brad, Maria,

Vision Statement
Called to be ambassadors for Christ, SRCA is a vibrant body of Christ followers reaching out to bring healing and hope to neighbors near and far so that they will know the power of Christ's love. We serve our neighbors by tending their spiritual, physical, and emotional, needs through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Head of the Church: Jesus
Ministers of the Church:YOU!
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. John Guernsey
Rector: The Rev. Becki Neumann
Sr. Warden: Paul Branch
Finance: Jason Wheeler
Vestry: Class of 2013
Steve Coates
Bob Richardson
Mike Stombock
Vestry: Class of 2014
Paul Branch
Charlie Meadows
Jason Wheeler
Vestry: Class of 2015
Maryann Branch
Carin Campbell
Gail Haddock


This week we will celebrate the 1st Sunday in Advent, which is the start of a new church year. Our readings will include Jeremiah 33:14-16, 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13, and Luke 21:25-36. During Adevnt we will omit the Psalm. The Rev. Becki Neumann will share part 2 a four part sermon series, "The 4-C's of Church Membership." Next Sunday, Dec. 9th, we will celebrate the second Sunday in Advent.


We will meet on Tuesday at the Englehardts' in Stone Ridge. We begin at 7:15 and conclude by 8:30. Prayer is our most important work. Please join us in praying for our church and our community.


Our efforts this year were a tremendous success. We provided 103 boxes of smiles for neeedy children. Thank you so very much for your support. If you pledged, please pay up so we cover the cost.
This Sunday, Dec. 2, acolytes and adults are invited to a field trip opportunity. We will visit Washington National Cathedral to tour and worship at the annual Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols. To sign up please mail the parish at SRCAnglican@gmail.com. We will leave around 1:30 and return around 6:30. SIGN UP TODAY!

The Alpha Course begins on Monday, January 7th. The Alpha course is a perfect refresher for those who have attended church for a long time. It is also a wonderful opportunity to reach out to the unchurched, de churched, or to people of other faith traditions who are open to exploring Christianity. Please be thinking now about whom you might invite to attend.

The Alpha Marriage Course is an opportunity to "tune up" a marriage. It will begin on Friday, January 4th, and be held on 8 sucessive Friday evenings. Begin praying now as to whether this is a good opportunity for you and your spouse to set aside a little "marriage time." This course is also open to those in the community.


Our annual Christmas Pageant will be held on Sunday, Dec. 23rd. We will need older youth as well as younger children in this year's pageant. We need a narrator, and a few other speakers, as well as many who simply act out their part. There will be a few "non traditional roles" this year. Please sign your children and youth up now so we can get a handle on the number of participants and tweak roles for the cast we have.

The Falls Church is sponsoring a conference on Healing prayer on Friday evening, Dec. 7th , and Saturday, Dec. 8th. Go to http://www.tfcanglican.org
and click on Care/Healing/Conferences for more information.

Truro is hosting a "Messiah" sing along concert on Dec. 15th at 7:00 pm. Please visit
http://www.truroanglican.com/atrsbytruro for more information.


Copyright © 2012 South Riding Chruch, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
43547 Kiplington Square, South Riding, VA 20152

Nov. 30, 2012

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South Riding Church · 43547 Kiplington Square · South Riding, Va 20152
Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

Saturday, November 24, 2012


South Riding Church News and Sunday Information
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South Riding Church

Sunday Servers

If you cannot serve, please find a replacement, and email pastor Becki+ to let her know of the change.
Mike, Charlie, Brad, Steve, Bruce
Take down: all hands on deck
Altar Guild: Maryann
Greeter: Haika
Acolytes: Daniel, Aubery, Noah, Jackie
Lector: Bob
Chalicists: Eric, Jason
Hospitality: Kathy
Nursery: Elizabeth
Sunday School:Thanksgiving Break

Vision Statement
Called to be ambassadors for Christ, SRCA is a vibrant body of Christ followers reaching out to bring healing and hope to neighbors near and far so that they will know the power of Christ's love. We serve our neighbors by tending their spiritual, physical, and emotional, needs through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Head of the Church: Jesus
Ministers of the Church:YOU!
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. John Guernsey
Rector: The Rev. Becki Neumann
Sr. Warden: Paul Branch
Finance: Jason Wheeler
Vestry: Class of 2013
Steve Coates
Bob Richardson
Mike Stombock
Vestry: Class of 2014
Paul Branch
Charlie Meadows
Jason Wheeler
Vestry: Class of 2015
Maryann Branch
Carin Campbell
Gail Haddock


This week we will celebrate the 26th Sunday after Pentecost, commonly called "Christ the King Sunday." Our readings will include Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14, Psalm 93, Revelation 1:4-8, and John 18:33-38. The Rev. Becki Neumann will begin a four part sermon series, "The 4-C's of Church Membership." Next Sunday, Dec. 2nd, we will celebrate the first Sunday in Advent, and the start of a new church year. 


We will meet on Tuesday at the Church Townhouse at 43547 Kiplington Square. We begin at 7:15 and conclude by 8:30. Prayer is our most important work. Please join us in praying for our church and our community.


Our efforts this year were a tremendous success. We provided 103 boxes of smiles for neeedy children. Thank you so very much for your support. If you pledged, please pay up so we cover the cost.
On Sunday, Dec. 2, acolytes and adults are invited to a field trip opportunity. We will visit Washington National Cathedral to tour and worship at the annual Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols. To sign up please mail the parish at SRCAnglican@gmail.com. We will leave around 1:30 and return around 6:00.

The Alpha Course begins on Monday, January 7th. The Alpha course is a perfect refresher for those who have attended church for a long time. It is also a wonderful opportunity to reach out to the unchurched, de churched, or to people of other faith traditions who are open to exploring Christianity. Please be thinking now about whom you might invite to attend.

The Alpha Marriage Course is an opportunity to "tune up" a marriage. It will begin on Friday, January 4th, and be held on 8 sucessive Friday evenings. Begin praying now as to whether this is a good opportunity for you and your spouse to set aside a little "marriage time." This course is also open to those in the community.


At our November 12th meeting Steve Coates was appointed as recording secretary. Plans are in the making for a vestry retreat on Dec. 14-15, and for a weekend with the Bishop. Please remember to pray for your vestry!


Our annual Christmas Pageant will be held on Sunday, Dec. 23rd. We will need older youth as well as younger children in this year's pageant. We need a narrator, and a few other speakers, as well as many who simply act out their part. There will be a few "non traditional roles" this year. Please sign your children and youth up now so we can get a handle on the number of participants and tweak roles for the cast we have.


Copyright © 2012 South Riding Chruch, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
43547 Kiplington Square, South Riding, VA 20152

Nov. 22, 2012

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South Riding Church · 43547 Kiplington Square · South Riding, Va 20152
Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

Friday, November 16, 2012



This week we will celebrate the 25th Sunday after Pentecost. Our readings will include Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16, Revelation 20:11-15, and Mark 13:1-8. The Rev. Becki Neumann will be preaching on Unit 12 of the End Times, "Thrones, Books, Fire, and Judgment." We will also be blessing our Operation Christmas Child boxes. All boxes must be at church this Sunday so we can deliver them to the collection site in the afternoon. Next Sunday, Nov. 25th, we will celebrate the last Sunday after Pentecost, commonly called "Christ the King Sunday."


We will meet on Tuesday at the Englehardt's. We begin at 7:15 and conclude by 8:30. Prayer is our most important work. Please join us in praying for our church and our community.


 This morning we bless the boxes we've prepared for children around the world. We'll have an updated count during the service.
On Sunday, Dec. 2, acolytes and adults are invited to a field trip opportunity. We will visit Washington National Cathedral to tour and worship at the annual Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols. To sign up please mail the parish at SRCAnglican@gmail.com. We will leave around 1:30 and return around 6:00.

The Alpha Course will begin in January. It will be held on Monday evenings. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to the unchurched, de churched, or to people of other faith traditions who are open to exploring Christianity. Please be thinking now about whom you might invite to attend.

The Alpha Marriage Course is an opportunity to "tune up" a marriage. It will begin on Friday, January 4th, and be held on 8 sucessive Friday evenings. Begin praying now as to whether this is a good opportunity for you and your spouse to set aside a little "marriage time." This course is also open to those in the community.


At our November 12th meeting Steve Coates was appointed as recording secretary. Plans are in the making for a vestry retreat on Dec. 14-15, and for a weekend with the Bishop. Please remember to pray for your vestry!


Our annual Christmas Pageant will be held on Sunday, Dec. 23rd. We will need older youth as well as younger children in this year's pageant. We need a narrator, and a few other speakers, as well as many who simply act out their part. There will be a few "non traditional roles" this year. Please sign your children and youth up now so we can get a handle on the number of participants and tweak roles for the cast we have.



The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

Friday, November 9, 2012


SRCA's weekly email containing information about Sunday worship and current ministry activities.
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South Riding Church

Sunday Servers

If you cannot serve, please find a replacement, and email pastor Becki+ to let her know of the change.
Mike, Charlie, Brad, Melinda, Bruce
Take down: all hands on deck
Altar Guild: Jason
Greeter: Jason and Katy
Acolytes: Virginia, Nicholas U., Jack, Meghan
Lector: Jason
Chalicists: Kimberely, Jason
Lunch: Kathy, Mary, et al
Nursery: Elizabeth
Sunday School: Brad, Maria

Vision Statement
Called to be ambassadors for Christ, SRCA is a vibrant body of Christ followers reaching out to bring healing and hope to neighbors near and far so that they will know the power of Christ's love. We serve our neighbors by tending their spiritual, physical, and emotional, needs through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Head of the Church: Jesus
Ministers of the Church:YOU!
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. John Guernsey
Rector: The Rev. Becki Neumann
Sr. Warden: Paul Branch
Finance: Jason Wheeler
Vestry: Class of 2012
Maryann Branch
Tom Canody
Zita Collins
Vestry: Class of 2013
Steve Coates
Bob Richardson
Mike Stombock
Vestry: Class of 2014
Paul Branch
Charlie Meadows
Jason Wheeler
Vestry: Class of 2015
TBD on Nov. 11


This week we will celebrate the 24th Sunday after Pentecost. Our readings will include Hebrews 9:24-28 and Mark 12:38-44. The Rev. Becki Neumann will be preaching on Unit 12 of the Experiencing God Bible Study, "Experiencing God in Everyday Life." We will also be collecting gently used coats this Sunday. Please go through your closets and bring those not needed coats so they can bless someone else. Next Sunday, Nov. 18th, we will celebrate the 25th Sunday after Pentecost.

Our Annual Parish Meeting will be held immediately following church. Lunch will be served. Plan to attend and hear the wonderful things happening in SRCA. We will also be electing 3 vestry members. Our nominees are Maryann Branch, Carin Campbell, and Gail Haddock. Many thanks to them for permitting their names to be put into nomination. 


We will meet on Tuesday at the church townhouse. We begin at 7:15 and conclude by 8:30. Prayer is our most important work. Please join us in praying for our church and our community.


Many thanks to the adults and youth who turned out to paint the Life With Cancer Studio. The people thre were so appreciative of our work, and hte lives of some seriously sick folks was made a bit brighter. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus!


We have begun collecting for Operation Christmas Child. We ask for a donation of $20.00 for each box. This covers shipping ($7.00) and gives $13.00 to provide contents that will make a child's entire Christmas. Last year we donated 78 shoe boxes. Please help us continue to give in a way that reflects the great gift given to us in Jesus. Sign up on the hospitality table to donate, or see Alexandra, Jackie, Meghan, or Rose. You may also fill your own boxes. Please include the $7.00 shipping charge. For directions visit the Operation Christmas Child website at http://www.samaritanspurse.org. Checks may be made payable to SRCA. Shopping and Packing day is Saturday, Nov. 17, from 2:30 - 6:00. Please let Pastor Becki know wif you are coming to help. We will meet at Miss Alexandra's home at 2:30
On Sunday, Dec. 2, acolytes and adults are invited to a field trip opportunity. We will visit Washington National Cathedral to tour and worship at the annual Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols. To sign up please mail the parish at SRCAnglican@gmail.com. We will leave early aftenoon and return around 6:00.

The Alpha Course will begin in January. It will be held on Monday evenings. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to the unchurched, de churched, or to people of other faith traditions who are open to exploring Christianity. Please be thinking now about whom you might invite to attend.

The Alpha Marriage Course is an opportunity to "tune up" a marriage. It will also begin in January, and be held on Friday evenings. Begin praying now as to whether this is a good opportunity for you and your spouse to set aside a little "marriage time." This course is also open to those in the community.


Copyright © 2012 South Riding Church, Anglican, Inc.,
All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
43547 Kiplington Square, South Riding, VA 20152

Nov. 8, 2012

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South Riding Church · 43547 Kiplington Square · South Riding, Va 20152
Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

Friday, November 2, 2012


SRCA's weekly email containing information about Sunday worship and current ministry activities.
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South Riding Church

Sunday Servers

If you cannot serve, please find a replacement, and email pastor Becki+ to let her know of the change.
Mike, Charlie, Brad, Melinda, Bruce
Take down: all hands on deck
Altar Guild: Christine
Greeter: Mary
Acolytes: Nicholas U., Tabitha, Will, Jackie
Lector: Jason
Chalicists: Kara, Jason
Hospitality: Kathy
Nursery: Elizabeth
Sunday School: yes!

Vision Statement
Called to be ambassadors for Christ, SRCA is a vibrant body of Christ followers reaching out to bring healing and hope to neighbors near and far so that they will know the power of Christ's love. We serve our neighbors by tending their spiritual, physical, and emotional, needs through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Head of the Church: Jesus
Ministers of the Church:YOU!
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. John Guernsey
Rector: The Rev. Becki Neumann
Sr. Warden: Paul Branch
Finance: Jason Wheeler
Vestry: Class of 2012
Maryann Branch
Tom Canody
Zita Collins
Vestry: Class of 2013
Steve Coates
Bob Richardson
Mike Stombock
Vestry: Class of 2014
Paul Branch
Charlie Meadows
Jason Wheeler
Vestry: Class of 2015
TBD on Nov. 11


This week we will celebrate All Saints Sunday. Our readings will include Isaiah 25:6-9, Psalm 24, Revelation 21:1-6a, and John 11:32-44. The Rev. Becki Neumann will be preaching on Unit 11 of theExperiencing God Bible Study, "Kingdom People." There will be a special prayer remembering loved ones who have died. For the name of your loved ones to be included in the prayer for All Saints, please email names to Pastor Becki atSRCAnglican@gmail.com no later than Friday evening, Nov. 2. We will also be collecting gently used coats this Sunday only. Please go through your closets and bring those not needed coats so they can bless someone else. Next Sunday, Nov. 11th, we will celebrate the 24th Sunday after Pentecost. 

Next Sunday, November 11th, our Annual Parish Meeting will be held immediately following church. Lunch will be served. Plan to attend and hear the wonderful things happening in SRCA. We will also be electing 3 vestry members. Serving on vestry is a wonderful opportunity and a blessing in our church! Our nomineses will be announced on Sunday, Nov. 4th. 

We have the opportunity to paint a studio space used by a Cancer center near Loudon Hospital. Everyone in grades 6 and up is eligible to volunteer. I am looking to put together a team of 6-8 folks to paint this Sunday, Nov. 4 from 2:00 - 5:00 (or until completion). Please email Pastor Becki atSRCanglican@gmail.com to sign up. You must be in grade 6 or up to volunteer. Adults needed and welcome!!

Prayers forthe Parish
Prayers for the parish will meet Tuesday night from 7:15-8:30 at the Englehardt's in Stone Ridge. Please join us in the important work of praying for our parish and communities. 

We have begun collecting for Operation Christmas Child. We ask for a donation of $20.00 for each box. This covers shipping ($7.00) and gives $13.00 to provide contents that will make a child's entire Christmas. Last year we donated 78 shoe boxes. Please help us continue to give in a way that reflects the great gift given to us in Jesus. Sign up on the hospitality table to donate, or see Alexandra, Jackie, Meghan, or Rose. You may also fill your own boxes. Please include the $7.00 shipping charge. For directions visit the Operation Christmas Child website at http://www.samaritanspurse.org. Checks may be made payable to SRCA. We will bless the boxes on Nov. 18th, and they will then be immediately delivered to the drop off point. All boxes must be at church on the 18th!

On Sunday, Dec. 2 all acolytes and family members are invited to attend the Service of Advent Lessons and Carols at the National Cathedral. The service begins at 4:00. We will meet at the 304.2 parking lot at 1:00. Our afternoon will include a tour of the cathedral and attendance at the service. We will plan to return to South Riding by about 6:30. Please RSVP to 
 by Nov. 25th, so adequate transportation can be in place.  

The Alpha Course will begin in January. It will be held on Monday evenings. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to the unchurched, de churched, or to people of other faith traditions who are open to exploring Christianity. Please be thinking now about whom you might invite to attend. Invitations will be available next week. 

The Alpha Marriage Course is an opportunity to "tune up" a marriage. It will also begin in January, and be held on Friday evenings. Begin praying now as to whether this is a good opportunity for you and your spouse to set aside a little "marriage time." This course is also open to those in the community. Invitations and brochures will be available next week. 


Copyright © 2012 South Riding Church, Anglican, Inc.,
All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
43547 Kiplington Square, South Riding, VA 20152

Oct. 24, 2012

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South Riding Church · 43547 Kiplington Square · South Riding, Va 20152
Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp