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Thursday, March 29, 2012


Dear Friends in Christ,

This coming Sunday we celebrate Palm Sunday, or the Sunday of the Passion of Our Lord. We will begin our worship with the Liturgy of the Palms, during which we bless the palm branches and hear about Jesus' triumphal entry in Jerusalem. Our shouts of, "HOsanna!" quickly become cries of, "crucify him" as we participate in the reading of the Passion Narrative from Mark's gospel. 

Our Lenten Study, It Starts With One, will conclude Wednesday evening at the 304. Soup, salad and bread are served at 6:15, with the study beginning at 7:00. At 8:00 (except for the first week) we will share Holy Communion together. The evening will conclude by 8:30. I am encouraging you to make this a part of your Lenten discipline. This coming Wednesday we will be discussing Acts, Chapter 6.  Everyone is welcome to come join the fellowship and the discussion!.

PLAN TO ATTEND and INVITE, INVITE, INVITE: Good Friday: April 6th. Simple Supper to fund Ghana missions at 5:30, Service of Tenebrae at 7:00. Plan to make this a part of your Holy week preparation for Easter.

The date is set for our best family camp yet. On June 22-24 I am praying many of you will join the fun at the Bishop Claggett Center, located about an hour from South Riding. Our Theme this year is 
"Trials, Temptations, and Triumphs: 
Warrior. Liar. Hero. Murderer. King." New adult small groups and activities for youth and children will be ready fro participants to enjoy! The "I'm interested" sign up sheet will be on the hospitality table.

The South Riding Yard Sale date is May 5th. SRCA will have a table for the sale of books, DVD's, CD's, and games. Please begin now to collect your things. A drop off point will be announced shortly. We will need help that day. Please talk to Mike Stombock to volunteer. 

Sunday, April 29th at 12:30 all the women of the parish are invited to Eggspectations for a women's tea/lunch. Please let Maryann Branch know if you plan to attend. 

Our spring Women's retreat at eh Crab Shack is scheduled for May 18-20. We are praying for many of our women to  be able to join us for this time apart. Theme and signup will be announced shortly.

All blessings in Christ Jesus,

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

Friday, March 23, 2012


Dear Friends in Christ,

On Sunday we celebrate the fifth Sunday of Lent. Our readings include Jeremiah 31:31-34 and John 12:20-33. Jeremiah articulates the New Covenant, the vision of a people held together not by law but by knowing the Lord, and by having his laws written on their hearts rather than on tablets of stone.  Our inclusion in the People of God is contingent upon our internal "knowing" of him, rather than on some external set of rules. We will explore  what this means in relation to discipleship and SRCA. 

Our Lenten Study, It Starts With One, is held on Wednesday evenings at the 304. Soup, salad and bread are served at 6:15, with the study beginning at 7:00. At 8:00 (except for the first week) we will share Holy Communion together. The evening will conclude by 8:30. I am encouraging you to make this a part of your Lenten discipline. This coming Wednesday we will be discussing Chapter 5.  Everyone is welcome to come join the fellowship and the discussion!.

The date is set for our best family camp yet. On June 22-24 I am praying many of you will join the fun at the Bishop Claggett Center, located about an hour from South Riding. Our Theme this year is 
"Trials, Temptations, and Triumphs: 
Warrior. Liar. Hero. Murderer. King." New adult small groups and activities for youth and children will be ready fro participants to enjoy! The "I'm interested" sign up sheet will be on the hospitality table.

SAVE THE DATE and INVITE, INVITE, INVITE: Good Friday: April 6th. Simple Supper to fund Ghana missions at 5:30, Service of Tenebrae at 7:00. Plan now to make this a part of your Holy week preparation for Easter.

Join the fun on Saturday, April 7 beginning at 9:30. We will be handing out Easter eggs and water at the community event. Plan to gather at the Branches' home on Planting Field Drive beginning at 9:30. 

Save the Date: Sunday, April 29th at 12:30. Location: Eggspectations. Sign up will be available soon!

The South Riding Yard Sale date is May 5th. SRCA will have a table for the sale of books, DVD's, CD's, and games. Please begin now to collect your things. A drop off point will be announced shortly. We will need help that day. Please talk to Mike Stombock to volunteer. 

Our spring Women's retreat at eh Crab Shack is scheduled for May 18-20. We are praying for many of our women to  be able to join us for this time apart. Theme and signup will be announced shortly.

All blessings in Christ Jesus,


The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Dear Friends,

This coming Sunday we celebrate the fourth Sunday of Lent. Our readings include Ephesians 2:1-10 and John 3:14-21. In the reading from Paul's letter to the Ephesians we hear the core message of the Christian faith. The message will tie this core truth to one of our core values, and to the life of St. Patrick. Our children will have the opportunity to worship with us this Sunday, so the message will include them as well as the adults in the congregation. 

Our Lenten Study, It Starts With One, is held on Wednesday evenings at the 304. Soup, salad and bread are served at 6:15, with the study beginning at 7:00. At 8:00 (except for the first week) we will share Holy Communion together. The evening will conclude by 8:30. I am encouraging you to make this a part of your Lenten discipline. This coming Wednesday we will be discussing Chapter 4.  Everyone is welcome to come join the fellowship and the discussion!.

The date is set for our best family camp yet. On June 22-24 I am praying many of you will join the fun at the Bishop Claggett Center, located about an hour from South Riding. Our Theme this year is 
"Trials, Temptations, and Triumphs: 
Warrior. Liar. Hero. Murderer. King." New adult small groups and activities for youth and children will be ready fro participants to enjoy! The "I'm interested" sign up sheet will be on the hospitality table.

GOOD FRIDAY: April 6th. Simple Supper to fund Ghana missions at 5:30, Service of Tenebrae at 7:00. This service of Tenebrae is especially moving and helpful in our understanding of just what Jesus did for us. Plan now to make this a part of your Holy week preparation for Easter.

The South Riding Yard Sale date is May 5th. SRCA will have a table for the sale of books, DVD's, CD's, and games. Please begin now to collect your things. A drop off point will be announced shortly. We will need help that day. Please talk to Mike Stombock to volunteer. 

Our spring Women's retreat at eh Crab Shack is scheduled for May 18-20. We are praying for many of our women to be able to join us for this time apart. Theme and signup will be announced shortly.

All blessings in Christ Jesus,


The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Dear Parish Family,

This coming Sunday we celebrate the third Sunday of Lent. Our readings include Exodus 20:1-17 and JOhn 2:17-22. The Old Testament reading is the giving of the Ten Commandments. We be looking at two of our core values through their lens. 

Our Lenten Study, It Starts With One, is held on Wednesday evenings at the 304. Soup, salad and bread are served at 6:15, with the study beginning at 7:00. At 8:00 (except for the first week) we will share Holy Communion together. The evening will conclude by 8:30. I am encouraging you to make this a part of your Lenten discipline. The study will engage us with the first 6 chapters in Acts. Booklets will be available on Sunday for those planning to attend. Everyone is welcome to come join the fellowship and the discussion!.

The date is set for our best family camp yet. On June 22-24 I am praying many of you will join the fun at the Bishop Claggett Center, located about an hour from South Riding. Our Theme this year is 
"Trials, Temptations, and Triumphs: 
Warrior. Liar. Hero. Murderer. King." New adult small groups and activities for youth and children will be ready fro participants to enjoy! The "I'm interested" sign up sheet will be on the hospitality table.

SAVE THE DATE: Good Friday: April 6th. Simple Supper to fund Ghana missions at 5:30, Service of Tenebrae at 7:00

All blessings in Christ Jesus,


The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Dear Parish Family,

This coming Sunday we celebrate the second Sunday of Lent. Our readings include Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 and Mark 8:31-38. We will have a member of the Gideons  with us to share about their ministry. (You have seen one piece of their ministry in the drawers in hotel rooms, but they do much more than this, including praying for pastors.) God's word written is central to our life and growth as Christians. 

Our Lenten Study, It Starts With One, will be held Wednesday evenings at the 304. Soup, salad and bread are served at 6:15, with the study beginning at 7:00. At 8:00 (except for the first week) we will share Holy Communion together. The evening will conclude by 8:30. I am encouraging you to make this a part of your Lenten discipline. The study will engage us with the first 6 chapters in Acts. Booklets will be available on Sunday for those planning to attend. PLEASE JOIN IN EVEN IF YOU MISSED THE FIRST WEEK.

The date is set for our best family camp yet. On June 22-24 I am praying many of you will join the fun at the Bishop Claggett Center, located about an hour from South Riding. Our Theme this year is 
"Trials, Temptations, and Triumphs: 
Warrior. Liar. Hero. Murderer. King." New adult small groups and activities for youth and children will be ready fro participants to enjoy! The "I'm interested" sign up sheet will be on the hospitality table.

SAVE THE DATE: Good Friday: April 6th. Simple Supper to fund Ghana missions at 5:30, Service of Tenebrae at 7:00

All blessings in Christ Jesus,


The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?"