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Friday, December 21, 2012


This Sunday we will celebrate the Fourth Sunday in Advent, a time of penitence and the preparation of our hearts to once again receive Jesus as our Lord and our Savior. The fourth Sunday in Advent is associated with joy. We could use another set of hands on Sunday morning for set up as one of our regular crew is away. On Sunday and Christmas Eve our nursery will be open as a cry room only so all can enjoy the Pageant and our Christmas Eve worship. We love having all of our children in worship. Please, please do not worry about their wiggles and murmurs.

Our annual Christmas Pageant will be held this Sunday. Please invite, invite, invite family, neighbors, etc. to come and celebrate the season with us. All pageant participants will need to be in church at 9:00 on the 23rd for a dress rehearsal.

We will not meet during the 12 days of Christmas. Please pray for our parish in your prayers at home.
Please sign up today for Christmas Poinsettias in memory of or in thanksgiving for loved ones. You may email the church office at
SRCAnglican@gmail.com to sign up.
 Small plants are $8.00 and large plants are $16.00. In your email please indicate clearly the names of the people and whether the flowers are given in thanksgiving for or in memory of the person. 

This is a special time of celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus. Please plan to come and worship with us Monday evening. We are planning wonderful music and a special reading of the Christmas story from Luke. This is the perfect time to bring friends and neighbors. Our service begins at 5:00.

Our 2013 stewardship campaign is in full swing. If you have not received your envelope, please look for it in the mail, and make the time to watch the enclosed DVD of our Bishop John teaching on stewardship. SRCA is committed to being a tithing church, fulfilling God's call to us. Pledge cards will be presented and blessed on January 6th. Please prayerfully prepare yours and return it to Jason, Paul, or Pastor Becki+ on or before that date.
The Alpha Course will begin on Monday, January 7th.  It will run from 6:30 until 9:30. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to friends and neighbors who are open to exploring Christianity. Please pick up some invitation to give to your neighbors and friends.
The Alpha Marriage Course is an opportunity to "tune up" a marriage. It will also begin in January, and be held on Friday evenings beginning Jan. 4th. Begin praying now as to whether this is a good opportunity for you and your spouse to set aside a little "marriage time." This course is also open to those in the community.


Pastor Becki+

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

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