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Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Blessings

Dear Friends in Christ,

Christmas Eve Worship begins at 5:00. There will be no worship on Christmas Day. We will see everyone on January 1! 

On Christmas eve we celebrate the most incredible gift ever given, the birth of God into the human race, Jesus, fully God and fully man, is unique among all religions. Only in Jesus is the believer offered forgiveness of all the wrong and selfish things they have ever done, said, thought, or intended. Jesus affects a full and complete reconciliation between us and the one who created us. In Jesus we are reconnected to the source of all life. We can know for certain that all of our sins have been forgiven, and that we will be with God forever.

Blessings be upon you this Christmas, and in the days ahead. It is a season that lasts twelve days (until January 6). I invite you to draw closer to Jesus each of those twelve days, turning over more and more of your life to his infinite love, wisdom, and care.

 May you have the most joyous of Christmas seasons.

 Faithfully, In Christ Jesus,

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

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