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Friday, September 23, 2011


Exciting Things Are Happening at South Riding Church
Mark Your Calendars:

Sunday, Oct. 2: Parish Picnic and visit from Young LIfe Staffer, Margaret Murphy (new to our community)

Friday, Oct. 7 - Sunday, Oct. 9: Men's get-away to the "Crab Shack," Theme: Fishers of Men (or is it an excuse to be fishermen?) All men welcome, even if you can only come for part of the time!

Saturday, October 22: Women's "Seaside Escape," Location still TBD, but will be within an hour of SR. Come away for a day to refresh and re-energize. Open to all ladies in the parish, daughters in grades 6 and up, and their invited guests. 

Saturday, Dec. 10: Women's trip to NYC. Look for the signup sheet. Cost will depend on how many women are going. We will rent a van (driver already in place) or hire a buss if we have enough women to make it the better value). 

Ministry to Children and Youth
All children and youth are asked to bring their Bibles to Sunday school. (This is a good idea for adults, too - so you can mark the readings, etc)

Children will be making tote bags in which to carry their Bibles and journals back and forth to church. Please help  your child remember! If  your child does not have a good children's Bible, please talk to Pastor Becki so one can be provided. 

We are looking to hire a nursery worker. The starting pay is $15.00 per hour, for 2 hours each Sunday. Once the probationary period has been successfully completed, the wages go to $20.00 per hour.  Please ask around where you live, work, and play. Until someone is hired, we will need volunteers to staff the nursery. 

Dear Parish Family, 

This Sunday we celebrate the fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost. DO you struggle to submit to authority? You are not alone! The scripture lessons for Sunday provide ample evidence that "authority issues" are nothing new. Those lessons will include Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16, Philippians 2:1-13, and Matthew 21:23-32. 

I'm praying that I see you at worship, where I pray you will encounter Jesus in the liturgy, in word, and in the breaking of the bread.



The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

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