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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jesus the Bread of Life

Dear Friends:  It seems as though we are talking a lot about food in church these days.  Last week it was grits.  This week our Scripture lessons again lead us into culinary conversation.  We are in the Gospel of John, chapter 6, verses 37 through 51, and the conversation moves from manna to Jesus as the Bread of Life.
In Jesus' day, bread was a basic food staple.  Early each morning, the bread would be made, and then placed in clay ovens, always located away from the house to prevent fires.  Getting the oven to the right temperature was a family affair -- the children placed wood and kindling into the oven to stoke the fire.  Finally, the bubbling dough was ready, and it became much of the nourishment for the day.
Jesus says in these verses that He is the Bread of Life.  To the people in His day, these words would electrify with meaning the moment they left His lips.  This means that Jesus is essential for life, like bread is essential for nourishment.  And indeed this is the case -- believing in Jesus leads to trusting Him with our lives.  This trust means spiritual wholeness, that leads to eternal life.  In John's Gospel, eternal life means not only life in the sweet by-and-by, but also enhanced, real life right now.
As Jesus makes a point of telling us here, God gave the Israelites manna, that mysterious foof that kept them alive in the desert.  But this is physical life.  Manna doesn't last forever.  Contrary to this, the Bread of Life does last forever.  Whenever we surrender our lives to the Lord, He is more than ready to bring refreshment to our souls.
On Sunday we are going to explore this message in greater detail.  See you then!!

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