This week we celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter (note it is not the Sunday after Easter). Our Easter celebration lasts fifty days, continuing through the celebration of Pentecost, which will be on /may 23rd this year. "Alleluia" will continue to resound through our worship as we celebrate the miracle of God's resurrection power at work.
During the Easter season our some of our Sunday gospel readings will be drawn from the accounts of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances. You will notice that there is no Old Testament reading. In its place read from the book of Acts, hearing about the early church. Our readings today include Acts 5:27-32, Psalm 150, Revelation 1:4-8, and John 20:19-31.
On Sunday we will welcome six of our children as we baptize them into Christ's one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. Please congratulate Joshua Canody, Colman Davenport, Mary Davenport, Elisa Davenport, Tess Davenport, and Sarah Davenport. Did you know that once baptized a child has all the rights and privileges of church membership with the exception of voting or holding any position that would require them to be legally responsible (running for vestry, etc.)? They are most welcome to receive communion, and once old enough to serve as acolytes (third grade), lectors and chalice bearers(16).
As a congregation we will make a serious promise to help these children come to know, love, and follow Jesus. Let's all be thinking how we can truly live into that promise!
Sunday Help:
AM setup in the gym: Mike, Brad, Charlie, Bruce
Take Down: all hands on deck
Altar Guild: Jason
Acolyte: Colman, Mary
Hospitality: Kathy
Greeters: the Wheelers
Sunday School: children in church to witness baptism
Nursery: staff
Reader/Prayers of the People: Tom
LEMs: Mary, Jason
Prayer Team: Young Hee, Zita
Ushers: Adrian, Young Hee
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924
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