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Saturday, April 17, 2010

News and Notes for 4/18/2010

Dear Parish Family,
This Sunday, April 18 we will gather for our first annual parish meeting together. Although congregational meetings have been held in the past, this meeting will be a bit different in nature as we will be moving to a fully elected vestry. A light lunch will be served, and we will "meet while we eat" so as to economize on time. We will be finished by 1:00.
Our current acting vestry members will be presented as one slate, and we will elect (or not elect) them as a group. Within that group some will rotate off in one year, and others in two years. We will also be electing two vestry persons to fill open positions. These two persons will serve for three years.
We a re blessed to have three persons who have agreed to run. All have been a member of the church and involved in the life and operation of the church for more than a year. Those persons include:
Steve Coates,
Young Hee Lanzillotti,
Charlie Meadows, and
Bob Richardson.
Please be praying about whom the Lord would have serve his church on vestry at this time.

During Sunday worship we will celebrate the Third Sunday in Easter. Our scripture readings include Acts 9:1-6, (7-20),
Psalm 30,
Revelation 5:11-14, and John 21:1-19.


We hear of the conversion of Saul / Paul, the majesty of worship in heaven's throne room, and the gospel account commonly called, "the restoration of Peter." In terms of preaching material it is a feast. One could wish they had not put three passages of such significance on the same Sunday. So much scripture, so little time…


We will walk together through the gospel reading, observing the seven disciples who had breakfast with Jesus on the lakeshore, and Peter in particular. What message was Jesus bringing to his followers as the attended his fish fry? What was his meaning when he commanded Peter to tend his sheep? What does it all mean for us?


Please make every effort to worship with us and to stay for our annual meeting. YOU ARE THE CHURCH, and when you are missing, our church is incomplete.


In Christ Alone,



Sunday Servers

AM setup:  Mike, Brad, Bruce

Take Down: all hands on deck 

Altar Guild:  Mary

Acolyte: Nicholas, Jack

Hospitality:  Kathy

Greeters:  Don and Gail

Sunday School:  Mary Ann

Nursery:  staff

Reader/Prayers of the People:  Jason

LEMs:  Paul, Mary

Prayer Team:  Young Hee, Zita

Ushers:  Adrian, Alan

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924

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