Dearly loved family in the Lord,
We have had a wonderful Holy Week at South Riding Church, walking with Jesus through some of the events of this transformative week in his life. On Tuesday we walked with Jesus on his walk to Calvary with the Stations of the Cross. On Thursday we enjoyed a wonderful evening of table fellowship at our Seder Supper. On Friday night all present were tremendously moved and blessed by our service of Tenebrae. And this morning we were blessed to hand out Easter eggs and water at the South Riding Egg hunt. It was fun to turn frowns to smiles.
And now we are waiting... waiting through the length of Holy Saturday, as we recall Jesus, and we wait with eager anticipation for the first cry of Easter morning.
We will worship in the gym this Sunday. Our scripture readings for Easter will include Acts 10:34-43, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-21, 1 Corinthians 15:19-26, and Luke 224:1-12.
"Welcome happy morning age to age shall say" is the opening line from a traditional Easter hymn. It is indeed a joyous morning when we celebrate our Lord's resurrection. The apostle Paul captures the importance of the resurrection well when he says, "if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain" (1 Corinthians 15:14). As Christians we emphasize the importance of the cross of Christ, we wear the cross, venerate the cross. The two great commandments form a cross shape – the vertical bar representing our loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and the horizontal bar representing our loving relationship with our neighbors. The cross is the predominate symbol of the Christian faith.
But what about the empty tomb – the resurrection. The empty tomb is… well, empty. It is perhaps the most controversial tenet of the Christian faith. Why do we stumble around or over it? What does it say to us in our lives today? Let's listen together to what God might be saying to us in the emptiness of the tomb.
See you tomorrow!
In Jesus,
Sunday Lineup:
AM setup: mostly done, but we might need to tweak a thing or two.
Take Down: All hands on deck, please!
Altar Guild: Sally for Set up, volunteers for take down
Acolyte: Nicholas - Cross, Candles - Jack and Virginia
Hospitality: Kathy
Nursery: cry room only.
Reader/Prayers of the People: Paul
LEMs: Mary, Jason
Prayer Team: Zita, Young Hee
Ushers: Adrian, Alan
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924
We have had a wonderful Holy Week at South Riding Church, walking with Jesus through some of the events of this transformative week in his life. On Tuesday we walked with Jesus on his walk to Calvary with the Stations of the Cross. On Thursday we enjoyed a wonderful evening of table fellowship at our Seder Supper. On Friday night all present were tremendously moved and blessed by our service of Tenebrae. And this morning we were blessed to hand out Easter eggs and water at the South Riding Egg hunt. It was fun to turn frowns to smiles.
And now we are waiting... waiting through the length of Holy Saturday, as we recall Jesus, and we wait with eager anticipation for the first cry of Easter morning.
We will worship in the gym this Sunday. Our scripture readings for Easter will include Acts 10:34-43, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-21, 1 Corinthians 15:19-26, and Luke 224:1-12.
"Welcome happy morning age to age shall say" is the opening line from a traditional Easter hymn. It is indeed a joyous morning when we celebrate our Lord's resurrection. The apostle Paul captures the importance of the resurrection well when he says, "if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain" (1 Corinthians 15:14). As Christians we emphasize the importance of the cross of Christ, we wear the cross, venerate the cross. The two great commandments form a cross shape – the vertical bar representing our loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and the horizontal bar representing our loving relationship with our neighbors. The cross is the predominate symbol of the Christian faith.
But what about the empty tomb – the resurrection. The empty tomb is… well, empty. It is perhaps the most controversial tenet of the Christian faith. Why do we stumble around or over it? What does it say to us in our lives today? Let's listen together to what God might be saying to us in the emptiness of the tomb.
See you tomorrow!
In Jesus,
Sunday Lineup:
AM setup: mostly done, but we might need to tweak a thing or two.
Take Down: All hands on deck, please!
Altar Guild: Sally for Set up, volunteers for take down
Acolyte: Nicholas - Cross, Candles - Jack and Virginia
Hospitality: Kathy
Nursery: cry room only.
Reader/Prayers of the People: Paul
LEMs: Mary, Jason
Prayer Team: Zita, Young Hee
Ushers: Adrian, Alan
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924
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