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Friday, February 26, 2010

News for Sunday 2/28

Welcome to the second Sunday in Lent, the time when we look inward, attempting to sort out our inward spiritual lives so that we might be more effective in living out Christ's life. To that end, I encourage each of you to join us on Tuesday evenings for our Lenten program. Soup is served at 6:30, with the program beginning at 7:15.
The season of Lent is reflective of Jesus' forty days spent in the wilderness being tempted and built up for the ministry to which he was called. We will spend the next several Sundays considering what it means to be built up for the ministry to which we are called – the ministry of being the church, Christ's body here on earth. We all have the ability to believe and belong; but what does it mean to belong to Christ, to belong to the church?
Our readings for Sunday include Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17-4:1, and Luke 13:31-35. In the OT lesson we hear the story of the covenant being made with Abram. In the Epistle Paul, writing to those in the church at Philippi, writes, "many live as enemies of cross of Christ." In the gospel we hear more of the cosmic clash between light and dark, between Jesus and the powers of this world.
Our message Sunday will focus on Jesus' retort to the first temptation and its importance in equipping us as we try to not end up in that group Paul was addressing. We want to live not as enemies of the cross, but as those transformed by the power of the cross.
The youth Bible Study (open to those in grades 5 and up) will meet from 5:00 until 7:00 this evening at The Richardson's. Please remember to bring $5.00 to pay for pizza.
Pastor Becki will meet with those youth interested in acolyting this Sunday right after they visit the refreshment table.

Prayer List:
Please continue to pray fro Shiela C, that she continues to recover and is able to return to her home.
Phil C, friend of Pastor Becki's, has just been diagnosed with advanced cancer. Please pray for him as he undergoes treatment, and for his family as they support him.

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924

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