This Sunday, February 14th, is, in American culture's eyes, Valentine's Day. In our liturgical calendar, however, this is the last Sunday before we begin our forty day season of Lent. As such, it holds special significance. Each year on this Sunday we hear one of the accounts of "The Transfiguration," and the day is commonly called "Transfiguration Sunday." Our readings for this Sunday include: Exodus 34:29-35, Psalm 99, 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2, and Luke 9:28-43a.
During the season after Epiphany I've been talking about the abilities we have been given by God – the ability to believe and belong, the ability to tell our own story, the ability to show up and to step out in obedience to the things God calls us to do. This Sunday we will explore our ability to be transformed and to be part of God's work in transforming the world.
When we accept God's call to come into relationship with him that God loves us and takes us just as we are. But God loves us far too much to leave us as we are – no matter how good we are or how talented we are or even how giving we are. The sad reality is we can never be good enough, talented enough, or giving enough for God. The good news is that when we come to God in Jesus Christ, he begins a work of transformation in us. There's a line in "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" that captures the essence of what happens when we open our lives to the redeeming work of Christ. The line goes like this, "In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea; with a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me…" Christ's glory transfigures – changes – you and me.
God is in the business of taking that intended for evil and using it for good, of taking the ordinary and using it to create that which is extraordinary, of replacing the mundane with the magnificent. If you think he can't do that for you, come Sunday and hear how he can. He can, yes, he can.
See you Sunday!
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924
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