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Thursday, March 4, 2010


Please continue to keep Shiela C., and Donna A. in your prayers as they continue their recovery. To offer Donna a meal or help with errands please call her at 703-327-1332.
Please continue to pray for the Campbell family, specifically for little Isaac to gain weight and against any setbacks, for Carin to continue to recover her strength, and for the entire family for the peace of Jesus to be with them all in this time. To offer assistance (meals would be welcome gift) please email Carin at ccampbell1968@verizon.net

Women's Luncheon this Sunday, March 7 beginning at 12:45 at the Grand Thai.


Youth Acolytes begin serving this Sunday. We welcome 6 youth who have volunteered: Daniel Richardson, Coleman Davenport, Mary Davenport, Virginia Campbell, Nicholas Branch, and Jack Branch.


March 13 is right around the corner. Our 10 year celebration dinner is from 5:00-7:00. You should ha ve received an "evite." If you did not respond yet, please do so asap so we can plan to have enough food. If for some reason you did not receive the evite, please RSVP by responding to this email giving your family name and number attending.


A Women's Retreat is being planned for April 30 - May 2. Ladies - if you have theme ideas please email them to me or talk with me Sunday after worship.




Our readings for Sunday, March 7th include: Exodus 3:1-15, Psalm 63:1-8, 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, and Luke 13:1-9. In them we meet Moses standing on holy ground, talking with God at the burning bush. We hear the psalmist say they have gazed on God in the holy place, responded with praise, and raised his hands in worship. Paul writes to the Corinthians, "do not become idolaters." And we hear Jesus calling on people to repent or perish.


On Sunday we will explore Moses' encounter with God, this theophany, and learn how every time we gather for worship we can expect to encounter God, to be a part of a theophany. What does it mean to "worship?" what purpose does worship serve in our lives as followers of Jesus? It is said, "everybody's worshipping something." What is it we worship; it is really God or is it something else? Come Sunday and come to understand what it means to worship the living God
See you in church!
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924

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