Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Blessings
On Christmas eve we celebrate the most incredible gift ever given, the birth of God into the human race, Jesus, fully God and fully man, is unique among all religions. Only in Jesus is the believer offered forgiveness of all the wrong and selfish things they have ever done, said, thought, or intended. Jesus affects a full and complete reconciliation between us and the one who created us. In Jesus we are reconnected to the source of all life. We can know for certain that all of our sins have been forgiven, and that we will be with God forever.
Blessings be upon you this Christmas, and in the days ahead. It is a season that lasts twelve days (until January 6). I invite you to draw closer to Jesus each of those twelve days, turning over more and more of your life to his infinite love, wisdom, and care.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
This Sunday marks the fourth Sunday of Advent. Our children and youth will present a Christmas Pageant titles, "Follow That Star" Please invite friends and neighbors to attend!
Beginning Friday, January 13, we will be running the Alpha Marriage Course. Strengthening your marriage is the best investment you can ever make in your family. No marriage is at its peak without intentional work and attention. The course is open to friends and you are encouraged to invite a couple to attend with you. There is no charge for the course (we received a grant to run it). All work is done between couples. There is no large group discussion. I urge you to sign up take advantage of the opportunity to invest in your own well being. You can sign up on Sunday, or by responding to this email. We must pre-register folks so we have enough materials, and enough food for dinner.
Our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. John Guernsey, will be visiting with us Jan. 27-29. We will have a special all parish event on Saturday the 28th, from 4:00 until 8:00. Please save the date! Confirmation and Receptions will be celebrated on Sunday the 29th. Please let me know if you are interested in being confirmed or received into the Anglican Church.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
This coming Sunday marks the third Sunday of Advent. The readings of the day include Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, i Thessalonians 5:16-24, and John 1:6-8, 19-28. Advent is a season of preparation - preparing our hearts to receive once again the greatest gift ever given. Another way way to prepare your heart for worship is to plan to arrive 5 minutes early to settle into your seats and pray before the start of the service.
Please continue to pray about your giving for the support of SRCA. Your tithes and giving are our only source of income for operations. If you did not have the opportunity to turn your pledge card in last week, please bring it this week. We are counting on every family to give for the spread of God's kingdom.
Our Christmas Pageant rehearsal is Sunday. All children who hope to be in the pageant are asked to be there for the rehearsal. The pageant will be held on Sunday, Dec. 18. Please sign your children and youth up to participate by responding to this email. We have a variety of parts that need assigning, and plenty of parts for those who don't want to say anything. The title of the pageant is "Follow That Star."
This Sunday the youth will gather for youth Bible Study, a service project, and supper. Please plan to join in the fun if you are in grades 6-12. The time is 5-7:30, at the 304.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
This coming Sunday marks the second Sunday of Advent. The readings of the day include Isaiah 40:1-11, 2 Peter 3:8-15, and Mark 1:1-8. Advent is a season of preparation - preparing our hearts to receive once again the greatest gift ever given. One way to prepare your heart for worship might be to read the lessons a day or two in advance of Sunday.
We have 6 women going to NYC on Dec. 10th via the Megabus (seats with wifi and outlets, and a restroom on board). We leave DC at 6:15 and return about 10:00. I may still be able to add more, so email me at if you want to go.
Our Christmas Pageant will be held on Sunday, Dec. 18. Our all cast rehearsal will be on Sunday, Dec. 11. Please sign your children and youth up to participate by responding to this email. We have a variety of parts that need assigning, and plenty of parts for those who don't want to say anything. The title of the pageant is "Follow That Star."
Sunday, Dec. 11th the youth will gather for youth Bible Study, a service project, and supper. Please plan to join in the fun if you are in grades 6-12. The time is 5-7:30, at the 304.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Tomorrow, we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent. The readings of the day include Isaiah 64:1-9, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, and Mark 13:24-37. During Advent we will not be using the Psalm. Our liturgy will reflect the call of Advent to step back and slow down. Our Advent wreath stands ready to be lit as we measure time awaiting the coming of the Christ Child once again.
An update onOperation Christmas Child boxes: When all was said and done we sent a total of 75 boxes! Well done, SRCA!
Sign up is underway for our ladies outing to NYC on Dec. 10th. Please sign up asap so we can secure a vehicle for the trip.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Sign up is underway for our ladies outing to NYC on Dec. 10th. Please sign up asap so we can secure a vehicle for the trip.
Friday, November 11, 2011
We will also hold our Annual Parish Meeting. We will begin right after worship, and I anticipate us being finished by 1:00. Lunch will be provided. This is a very important part of our life together. Please make every effort to attend.
Sunday evening the youth are going Laser Tagging at the Panther Family Fun Center. I need a head count so I can arrange to have transportation there and back. Please RSVP with the number (it can be approximate) of youth grades 5 and up who plan to attend. The cost is $8.50 for 1 game, or $20.00 for 3, and refreshments are available for purchase. We will meet in the parking lot at the 304, at 5:00, and return there at 7:30. I will need a volunteer driver or two.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Two weeks ago I attended a preaching conference. (It was wonderful!) One of the many things that struck me was the importance of continuing to pray for each member of the parish by name on a regular basis. To facilitate this I would like to get a photo of each family. The photo will go in my parish prayer journal (they will also be used in the secure, online directory I hope to get up and running). I will be dividing the parish list into 6 sections, and assigning each section a day of the week. Once finished, I will let you know which day I will be praying for you! My goal is to begin photographing on Sunday and to finish the day of hte annual parish meeting, Nov. 13.Dear Parish Family,
This Sunday we celebrate the 20th Sunday after Pentecost. Our readings will include Joshua 3:7-17, Psalm 107:1-7 and 33-37, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13, and Matthew 23:1-12. We will also bless our new acolytes and present them with their acolyte crosses. All returning acolytes will receive the next color cord for their current cross.
To those interested in being an acolyte: If you were unable to make the training last week, Meghan will met with you briefly right after the service on Sunday.
We need a volunteer each week. Teens in grades 9 and up may volunteer, along with adults. Please look for the sign up sheet on the hospitality table.Beginning this Sunday we will be accepting donations toward OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD (the shoe boxes). Each box costs $20.00, or you may get instructions and pack your own box. Please be generous!I am encouraged each day by the fellowship we share as we seek to serve and honor Jesus!Blessings,Becki+
EXCITING THINGS ARE HAPPENING AT SOUTH RIDING CHURCH!Sunday, November 6: All Saint's celebration and the Honoring of our Veterans. Please invite your neighbors and family members who are veterans to join us for a special service that will honor them for their service to God and country.Saturday, November 12: Women's "Seaside Escape," Location: The Bishop Claggett Center, about an hour from SR. Come away for a day to refresh and re-energize. Open to all ladies in the parish, daughters in grades 6 and up, and their invited guests. Register today. Cost is $35.00 and includes lunch and materials. (The facility is handicapped accessible.)
Sunday, November 13: Annual Parish Meeting, election of new vestry members, state of the parish, hopes and dreams for the future, and an all parish lunch.
Saturday, Dec. 10: Women's trip to NYC. Look for the signup sheet. Cost will depend on how many women are going. We will rent a van (driver already in place) or hire a bus if we have enough women to make it the better value).
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Exciting Things Are Happening at South Riding ChurchSunday, Oct. 9: Women's Luncheon, Location will be determined after worship Sunday. Plan to join in a time of fellowship
Saturday, November 12: Women's "Seaside Escape," Location: The Bishop Claggett Center, about an hour from SR. Come away for a day to refresh and re-energize. Open to all ladies in the parish, daughters in grades 6 and up, and their invited guests. Register today. Cost is $35.00 and includes lunch and materials.Saturday, Dec. 10: Women's trip to NYC. Look for the signup sheet. Cost will depend on how many women are going. We will rent a van (driver already in place) or hire a buss if we have enough women to make it the better value).Ministry to Children and YouthAll children and youth are asked to bring their Bibles to Sunday school. (This is a good idea for adults, too - so you can mark the readings, etc)NEEDED: NURSERY WORKERWe are looking to hire a nursery worker. The starting pay is $15.00 per hour, for 2 hours each Sunday. Once the probationary period has been successfully completed, the wages go to $20.00 per hour. Please ask around where you live, work, and play. Until someone is hired, we will need volunteers to staff the nursery.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I am excited to have Margaret come and share the vision for Young LIfe's ministry in the SR area. If you have teens, or are a teen, or will have teens in the next few years, or have a passion to share Jesus with teens, this ministry will excite you! Let's show margaret a warn SRCA welcome!Exciting Things Are Happening at South Riding ChurchSunday, Oct. 2: Parish Picnic and visit from Young LIfe Staffer, Margaret Murphy (new to our community)After church on Sunday we will head over to the Branch home / welcome center lawn for our annual picnic. Please bring lawn chairs and a dish to share (if you didn't sign up, just bring something you figure folks will enjoy.) EVERYONE is welcome - and please invite your neighbors! And - does anyone have a volleyball net with stands, and a ball that we can borrow? If so, could you email and let me know.Friday, Oct. 7 - Sunday, Oct. 9: Men's get-away to the "Crab Shack," Theme: Fishers of Men (or is it an excuse to be fishermen?) All men welcome, even if you can only come for part of the time!Saturday, November 12: Women's "Seaside Escape," Location: The Bishop Claggett Center, about an hour from SR. Come away for a day to refresh and re-energize. Open to all ladies in the parish, daughters in grades 6 and up, and their invited guests. Register today. Cost is $35.00 and includes lunch and materials.Saturday, Dec. 10: Women's trip to NYC. Look for the signup sheet. Cost will depend on how many women are going. We will rent a van (driver already in place) or hire a buss if we have enough women to make it the better value).Ministry to Children and YouthAll children and youth are asked to bring their Bibles to Sunday school. (This is a good idea for adults, too - so you can mark the readings, etc)Children will be making tote bags in which to carry their Bibles and journals back and forth to church. Please help your child remember! If your child does not have a good children's Bible, please talk to Pastor Becki so one can be provided.NEEDED: NURSERY WORKERWe are looking to hire a nursery worker. The starting pay is $15.00 per hour, for 2 hours each Sunday. Once the probationary period has been successfully completed, the wages go to $20.00 per hour. Please ask around where you live, work, and play. Until someone is hired, we will need volunteers to staff the nursery.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Exciting Things Are Happening at South Riding ChurchMark Your Calendars:Sunday, Oct. 2: Parish Picnic and visit from Young LIfe Staffer, Margaret Murphy (new to our community)Friday, Oct. 7 - Sunday, Oct. 9: Men's get-away to the "Crab Shack," Theme: Fishers of Men (or is it an excuse to be fishermen?) All men welcome, even if you can only come for part of the time!Saturday, October 22: Women's "Seaside Escape," Location still TBD, but will be within an hour of SR. Come away for a day to refresh and re-energize. Open to all ladies in the parish, daughters in grades 6 and up, and their invited guests.Saturday, Dec. 10: Women's trip to NYC. Look for the signup sheet. Cost will depend on how many women are going. We will rent a van (driver already in place) or hire a buss if we have enough women to make it the better value).Ministry to Children and YouthAll children and youth are asked to bring their Bibles to Sunday school. (This is a good idea for adults, too - so you can mark the readings, etc)Children will be making tote bags in which to carry their Bibles and journals back and forth to church. Please help your child remember! If your child does not have a good children's Bible, please talk to Pastor Becki so one can be provided.NEEDED: NURSERY WORKERWe are looking to hire a nursery worker. The starting pay is $15.00 per hour, for 2 hours each Sunday. Once the probationary period has been successfully completed, the wages go to $20.00 per hour. Please ask around where you live, work, and play. Until someone is hired, we will need volunteers to staff the nursery.Dear Parish Family,
This Sunday we celebrate the fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost. DO you struggle to submit to authority? You are not alone! The scripture lessons for Sunday provide ample evidence that "authority issues" are nothing new. Those lessons will include Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16, Philippians 2:1-13, and Matthew 21:23-32.
I'm praying that I see you at worship, where I pray you will encounter Jesus in the liturgy, in word, and in the breaking of the bread.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Dear Friends in Christ,
This Sunday we celebrate "National Back to Church Sunday," along with the fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. What a joyous day, when the gospel lesson reminds us that it is never too late to accept the gift of God in our lives.
Our lessons will include Exodus 16:2-15, Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45, Philippians 1:21-30, and Matthew 20:1-16. If I were to name a prominent theme in these readings I would say "grumbling."
In the gospel reading the laborers hired early in the day grumble when those hired later receive the same wages. In the reading from Exodus the people of God grumble about food and water. Even Paul seems to grumble about remaining here on earth to do the Lord's work when he would rather be with Christ in the heavenlies. Only the psalmist reminds us that "One generation shall praise your works to another, and shall declare your power." What is rumbling around in our hearts, grumbles or gratitude? And, if it's grumbles, what will help us make the switch?
Welcome to worship. I pray you will encounter Jesus in the liturgy, in word, and in the breaking of the bread.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Dear Parish Family,
Where were you ten years ago on 9/11? Most of us will never forget the moment when we realized what was happening in Washington, in New York, and in the rural countryside of Pennsylvania. Directly or indirectly, our lives were affected, our emotions were stirred, and our sense of safety was shaken. We found ourselves confronted with evil; and our initial response was disbelief, grief, sadness, and anger. While refer to Sept. 11, 2001 as 9/11, most of us have had several 9/11 type events in our lives – events that shake the foundations of our lives.
What is to be our ongoing response to such actions? Where do we turn when our sense of security is so shaken? Although 9/11 happened one time, ten years ago, many people have been confronted with the face of evil since then; and many of us have had to deal with similar responses to life circumstances. Does God cause these things to happen as some would say? What is God's role in evil, in death, in loss?
The readings for Sunday have something to say about the "9/11" events in our lives, about God's role, and about our response. They include: Genesis 50:15-21, Psalm 103:1-14, Romans 14:1-12, and Matthew 18:21-35.
Please join us for worship! Worshipping together is our central act as a church.
In Christ,
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Dear Parish Family,
As school resumes and summer draws to a close, we are set here at SRCA to begin a new program year. Sunday School returns for our children on Sunday, September 11. Our First Thursday Bible Study begins at 7:30 on Sept. 8 (yes, that is the second Monday – we wanted to wait until after Labor Day). This study will connect our current mission, vision, and core values to the Scriptures as we examine what SRCA is called to do and be. Every member is encouraged to participate in this study, as it will help us understand God's call to us as a church. The Women's Monday morning Bible Study begins again on Sept. 12 at 9:30. It will meet at Melinda Mansfield's home, and the topic of the study will be determined that first day. Moms with young children are welcome (as are all women – SRCA members or not). Our Men's studies and home groups continue, and are noted elsewhere in this bulletin. Our youth Bible study fro those in grades 6-12 begins again on Sunday, Sept. 11 at 5:00. It is our goal to have every adult member of our church participate in some sort of small group. Please consider joining in the fun!
A full calendar of events, studies, and opportunities to serve will be published in the near future. Please be sure to pick up your copy.
I also encourage everyone to attend our old/new bishop's investiture as the first bishop of the new Diocese of the Mid Atlantic. This is a truly historic occasion in the life of our church. The Right Reverend John Guernsey invites us all to join him for a glorious celebration at 11:00, Sept. 10, at Truro Church.
Our lessons for today include Exodus 12:1-14, Psalm 149, Romans 13:8-14, and Matthew 18:15-20. We are so blessed to be able to come together freely to worship the Lord. Welcome!