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Thursday, December 1, 2011


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This coming Sunday marks the second Sunday of Advent. The readings of the day include Isaiah 40:1-11, 2 Peter 3:8-15, and Mark 1:1-8. Advent is a season of preparation - preparing our hearts to receive once again the greatest gift ever given. One way to prepare your heart for worship might be to read the lessons a day or two in advance of Sunday. 

We have 6 women going to  NYC on Dec. 10th via the Megabus (seats with wifi and outlets, and a restroom on board). We leave DC at 6:15 and return about 10:00.  I may still be able to add more, so email me at pastorbecki@gmail.com if you want to go. 

Our Christmas Pageant will be held on Sunday, Dec. 18. Our all cast rehearsal will be on Sunday, Dec. 11. Please sign your children and youth up to participate by responding to this email. We have a variety of parts that need assigning, and plenty of parts for those who don't want to say anything. The title of the pageant is "Follow That Star." 

Sunday, Dec. 11th the youth will gather for youth Bible Study, a service project,  and supper. Please plan to join in the fun if you are in grades 6-12. The time is 5-7:30, at the 304. 

Beginning Friday, January 13, we will be running the Alpha Marriage Course. Strengthening your marriage is the best investment you can ever make in your family. No marriage is at its peak without intentional work and attention. The course is open to friends and you are encouraged to invite a couple to attend with you. There is no charge for the course (we received a grant to run it). All work is done between couples. There is no large group discussion. I urge you to sign up take advantage of the opportunity to invest in your own well being. You can sign up on Sunday, or by responding to this email. We must pre-register folks so we have enough materials, and enough food for dinner. 


The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

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