Dear Parish Family,
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. We will take a few moments to pray and give thanks for those who have gone before us, including Ken Achterhof, who was buried from our parish within this past year. We will also pray for all veterans, who give up so much to protect the country we love. Our readings will include Revelation 7:9-17, Psalm 34:1-10, 22; 1 John 3:1-3, and Matthew 5:1-12. Our worship will include the reaffirmation of our baptismal promises, and will include our children.
Next Sunday, November 13, we will hold our Annual Parish Meeting immediately following worship. This meeting will bring you up to date on the state of the parish, and will allow for the election of 3 vestry members to replace those rotating off: Mary Derby, Paul Branch, and Jason Wheeler. Charlie Meadows, Paul Branch and Jason Wheeler have graciously agreed to stand for election. (Our by-laws permit a person to serve consecutive terms.) Lunch will be served, and a movie provided for the children. All baptized members age 16 and older, who have been members for 1 year or longer, and who are in good standing (who attend regularly and give faithfully for the support of the parish) are eligible to vote. If you need clarification as to whether you may vote, please call or email me. It is important that all attend!
We need a volunteer in our nursery each week along with Elizabeth. Teens in grades 9 and up along with adults are encouraged to sign up at the hospitality table.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is in full swing! Each box costs about $20.00 to assemble. Our goal is 75+ boxes, and we are running a bit behind. Time is short, so now is the time to give towards this outreach ministry.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday! If you are in town, please take the time to join us in worshipping the living God!
Saturday, November 12: Women's "Seaside Escape," Location: The Bishop Claggett Center, about an hour from SR. Come away for a day to refresh and re-energize. Open to all ladies in the parish, daughters in grades 6 and up, and their invited guests. Register today. Cost is $35.00 and includes lunch and materials. (The facility is handicapped accessible.) It's not too late to join in the fun!!
Eveyone in grades 5 and up is invited to go Lazar tagging on Sunday, Nov. 13 beginning at 5 pm. A flier is attached to this email with all of the info. Please invite your friends!
Saturday, Dec. 10: Women's trip to NYC. Look for the signup sheet. Cost will depend on how many women are going. We will rent a van (driver already in place) or hire a bus if we have enough women to make it the better value).
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703-961-1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924
"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?"
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