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Friday, February 26, 2010

News for Sunday 2/28

Welcome to the second Sunday in Lent, the time when we look inward, attempting to sort out our inward spiritual lives so that we might be more effective in living out Christ's life. To that end, I encourage each of you to join us on Tuesday evenings for our Lenten program. Soup is served at 6:30, with the program beginning at 7:15.
The season of Lent is reflective of Jesus' forty days spent in the wilderness being tempted and built up for the ministry to which he was called. We will spend the next several Sundays considering what it means to be built up for the ministry to which we are called – the ministry of being the church, Christ's body here on earth. We all have the ability to believe and belong; but what does it mean to belong to Christ, to belong to the church?
Our readings for Sunday include Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17-4:1, and Luke 13:31-35. In the OT lesson we hear the story of the covenant being made with Abram. In the Epistle Paul, writing to those in the church at Philippi, writes, "many live as enemies of cross of Christ." In the gospel we hear more of the cosmic clash between light and dark, between Jesus and the powers of this world.
Our message Sunday will focus on Jesus' retort to the first temptation and its importance in equipping us as we try to not end up in that group Paul was addressing. We want to live not as enemies of the cross, but as those transformed by the power of the cross.
The youth Bible Study (open to those in grades 5 and up) will meet from 5:00 until 7:00 this evening at The Richardson's. Please remember to bring $5.00 to pay for pizza.
Pastor Becki will meet with those youth interested in acolyting this Sunday right after they visit the refreshment table.

Prayer List:
Please continue to pray fro Shiela C, that she continues to recover and is able to return to her home.
Phil C, friend of Pastor Becki's, has just been diagnosed with advanced cancer. Please pray for him as he undergoes treatment, and for his family as they support him.

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sunday Update



This coming Sunday we celebrate the first Sunday of Lent. In liturgical churches like the Anglican Church, the church calendar is laid out to guide us through the significant seasons and events in the life of Jesus. The church calendar begins with Advent, that time of preparation for the birth of our Savior. We then move to Christmas, and to the Epiphany when the magi arrive to celebrate the newborn king. Jesus' baptism is celebrated on the first Sunday after Epiphany.


Today we celebrate the first Sunday of Lent. In liturgical churches like the Anglican Church, the church calendar is laid out to guide us through the significant seasons and events in the life of Jesus. The church calendar begins with Advent, that time of preparation for the birth of our Savior. We then move to Christmas, and to the Epiphany when the magi arrive to celebrate the newborn king. Jesus' baptism is celebrated on the first Sunday after Epiphany.


In the scriptures we read that after Jesus was baptized he spent forty days in the wilderness where he was tempted by the devil. This is reflected in our church calendar by the season of Lent. Lent is observed as a time of penitence and self reflection. Just as Jesus went without food, we are encouraged to give up our creature comforts to remind ourselves of Jesus' suffering on our behalf, and of the suffering that so many people endure every day.


Acts of charity and fasting on a weekly basis are encouraged. Often people "give something up" for Lent. If this is your practice, make it something that really matters.  We will all have the opportunity to give our "mite" to feed a hungry child in Ghana. Bring your change for the "mite jar" each Sunday.


I encourage you all to participate in our Lenten Program, which will focus on the biblical themes in the movie "Amazing Grace." Good study and great fellowship are a sure bet. Let's be faithful in our observance of a holy Lent.

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

AD for April attached

Please acknowledge receipt of our April ad.
Thanks and blessings,
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Updates for Sunday

Greetings in the name of Jesus! Our winter weather may be fickle, but our God and Savior is steadfast and certain!!
We continue to pray fro Sheila C., who has been released from the hospital to continue her recovery.
It is with great sadness that I report on the passing form life to life eternal of Bishop Patrick Kyaligonza of Ruwenzori Diocese. Bishop Patrick died in a traffic accident. Please pray for his wife, Rose, who sustained a head injury, and for his driver who has a broken leg. Some of you may recall that Bishop Patrick visited in our area in the fall.
Reminder that the children will begin in church, and that they will be dismissed for Sunday School after a children's message and prayer at the beginning of the service.
Immediately following the service on Sunday, I would like to meet with any youth grades three and up who would like to learn about being an acolyte.
Reminder: Sign up for Shrove Tuesday pancakes and sausage at the 304 by replying to this email or signing up on Sunday. You may also call the parish at 703-961-1983 to make your reservation. Served from 5;30 until 7:15 by Bruce and Pastor Becki.

This Sunday, February 14th, is, in American culture's eyes, Valentine's Day. In our liturgical calendar, however, this is the last Sunday before we begin our forty day season of Lent. As such, it holds special significance. Each year on this Sunday we hear one of the accounts of "The Transfiguration," and the day is commonly called "Transfiguration Sunday." Our readings for this Sunday include: Exodus 34:29-35, Psalm 99, 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2, and Luke 9:28-43a.


During the season after Epiphany I've been talking about the abilities we have been given by God – the ability to believe and belong, the ability to tell our own story, the ability to show up and to step out in obedience to the things God calls us to do. This Sunday we will explore our ability to be transformed and to be part of God's work in transforming the world.


When we accept God's call to come into relationship with him that God loves us and takes us just as we are. But God loves us far too much to leave us as we are – no matter how good we are or how talented we are or even how giving we are. The sad reality is we can never be good enough, talented enough, or giving enough for God. The good news is that when we come to God in Jesus Christ, he begins a work of transformation in us. There's a line in "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" that captures the essence of what happens when we open our lives to the redeeming work of Christ. The line goes like this, "In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea; with a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me…" Christ's glory transfigures – changes – you and me.


God is in the business of taking that intended for evil and using it for good, of taking the ordinary and using it to create that which is extraordinary, of replacing the mundane with the magnificent. If you think he can't do that for you, come Sunday and hear how he can. He can, yes, he can.


See you Sunday!



The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Please continue to pray for Sheila C. who remains in the hospital. Pray for her continued healing, and for her to regain her strength.
PRAYERS FOR THE PARISH tonight at 7 at the 304 - CANCELED. Please pray for our parish in the warmth and safety of your home!
DESSERT AND DISCUSSION - Our third evening is scheduled fro tomorrow evening. If we get the predicted amount of snow, this will be postponed. An email with that information will be sent tomorrow.
SUNDAY WORSHIP - Please pray that we can gather on Sunday at LRES. In the event Loudon County closes all facilities, I am planning to announce worship in an alternative location. More information will follow as we approach Sunday.
SHROVE TUESDAY is next Tuesday. "Shrove" comes from the word "Shriven" - to empty or make bare. It is traditionally the day to "use up all of the fat" in our larders before the beginning of Lent. In honor of Shrove Tuesday, and to celebrate our life together, you are all invited to a pancake supper at the 304. Bruce and I will be serving up pancakes and sausage, coffee and milk, for anyone who signs up and stops by. We will serve from 5:30 until 7:15. There is no charge, but a free will offering will be accepted and put toward the sponsorship of our two Ghanaian children. Please RSVP to this email giving name, number, and time we might expect you,  to reserve your spot.
Ash Wednesday Services will be held at the 304. The morning service will begin at 7:00 AM, and will last about 30 minutes. The evening service will begin at 7:30 PM. The imposition of ashes and holy communion will be available at both services.
In Christ Alone,
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924

Friday, February 5, 2010



Next Sunday we will begin with a slight change in our worship: our children, youth, and teachers will begin worship with us. This will enable our youth to begin serving as acolytes in the near future, and all will be present to hear the announcements. After the announcements, I will gather the children for a short children's message, and we can pray over them before they head off to Sunday School. At the processional they will be led out and our worship will commence as it has in the past, with the children returning about the time of the peace.


Our readings this 5th Sunday after the Epiphany include: Isaiah 6:1-13, Psalm 138, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, and Luke 5:1-11. We hear the call of Isaiah, when he realizes his fallen estate as compared with the holiness of God, Peter's recognition of his sinful nature when in the presence of Jesus - who is clearly God, and Paul's explanation of the gospel to the Corinthians. Paul writes clearly that Christ died for our sins. Even though we are not gathered for worship, make a commitment to read the lessons aloud. They can be found by clicking on the links in this email.


The bottom line is that God is holy - and we are not. We are called as Isaiah was called, to confront the sinful patterns of living in this world with God's truth. We are called as Paul was called to articulate God's work on our behalf, done in and through the person of his Son, Jesus. Each of us is surely the first gospel some person will ever "read." Join us on Sunday to hear more about how to share the good news of Jesus with those where you live, work, and play. See you then!



The Children's Ministry Team is scheduled to gather at the 304 for their monthly 'refresher" on Monday, Feb. 8th, beginning at 9:15. This will depend on road and parking lot conditions.


Prayers for the parish continue at he 304 on Tuesday evenings  from 7 until 8. Come join us as we pray for our needs and the needs of others.


Save the dates:


  Ash Wednesday (February 17th) services will be held at the 304. The early service will be at 7:00 AM,   and  will last approximately 1/2 hour. The evening service will be held at 7:30. Imposition of ashes and Holy Communion will be available at both services.


  Our Lenten Study will begin on WEDNESDAY, Feb. 24th, and then continue on TUESDAY evenings. Details will follow shortly.


The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924

News and Notes for the 5th Sunday After Epiphany


Today we begin with a slight change in our worship: our children, youth, and teachers will begin worship with us. This will enable our youth to begin serving as acolytes in the near future, and all will be present to hear the announcements. After the announcements, I will gather the children for a short children's message, and we can pray over them before they head off to Sunday School. At the processional they will be led out and our worship will commence as it has in the past, with the children returning about the time of the peace.


Our readings this 5th Sunday after the Epiphany include: Isaiah 6:1-13, Psalm 138, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, and Luke 5:1-11. We hear the call of Isaiah, when he realizes his fallen estate as compared with the holiness of God, Peter's recognition of his sinful nature when in the presence of Jesus - who is clearly God, and Paul's explanation of the gospel to the Corinthians. Paul writes clearly that Christ died for our sins.


The bottom line is that God is holy - and we are not. We are called as Isaiah was called, to confront the sinful patterns of living in this world with God's truth. We are called as Paul was called to articulate God's work on our behalf, done in and through the person of his Son, Jesus. Each of us is surely the first gospel some person will ever "read." Join us on Sunday to hear more about how to share the good news of Jesus with those where you live, work, and play. See you then!




The Children's Ministry Team will gather at the 304 for their monthly 'refresher" on Monday, Feb. 8th, beginning at 9:15.


Prayers for the parish continue at he 304 on Tuesday evenings  from 7 until 8. Come join us as we pray for our needs and the needs of others.


Save the dates:


  Ash Wednesday (February 17th) services will be held at the 304. The early service will be at 7:00 AM,   and  will last approximately 1/2 hour. The evening service will be held at 7:30. Imposition of ashes and Holy Communion will be available at both services.


  Our Lenten Study will begin on WEDNESDAY, Feb. 24th, and then continue on TUESDAY evenings. Details will follow shortly.


The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924