Next Sunday we will begin with a slight change in our worship: our children, youth, and teachers will begin worship with us. This will enable our youth to begin serving as acolytes in the near future, and all will be present to hear the announcements. After the announcements, I will gather the children for a short children's message, and we can pray over them before they head off to Sunday School. At the processional they will be led out and our worship will commence as it has in the past, with the children returning about the time of the peace.
Our readings this 5th Sunday after the Epiphany include: Isaiah 6:1-13, Psalm 138, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, and Luke 5:1-11. We hear the call of Isaiah, when he realizes his fallen estate as compared with the holiness of God, Peter's recognition of his sinful nature when in the presence of Jesus - who is clearly God, and Paul's explanation of the gospel to the Corinthians. Paul writes clearly that Christ died for our sins. Even though we are not gathered for worship, make a commitment to read the lessons aloud. They can be found by clicking on the links in this email.
The bottom line is that God is holy - and we are not. We are called as Isaiah was called, to confront the sinful patterns of living in this world with God's truth. We are called as Paul was called to articulate God's work on our behalf, done in and through the person of his Son, Jesus. Each of us is surely the first gospel some person will ever "read." Join us on Sunday to hear more about how to share the good news of Jesus with those where you live, work, and play. See you then!
The Children's Ministry Team is scheduled to gather at the 304 for their monthly 'refresher" on Monday, Feb. 8th, beginning at 9:15. This will depend on road and parking lot conditions.
Prayers for the parish continue at he 304 on Tuesday evenings from 7 until 8. Come join us as we pray for our needs and the needs of others.
Save the dates:
Ash Wednesday (February 17th) services will be held at the 304. The early service will be at 7:00 AM, and will last approximately 1/2 hour. The evening service will be held at 7:30. Imposition of ashes and Holy Communion will be available at both services.
Our Lenten Study will begin on WEDNESDAY, Feb. 24th, and then continue on TUESDAY evenings. Details will follow shortly.