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Friday, March 22, 2013


This Sunday we celebrate the Sunday of the Passion of Our Lord, commonly called Palm Sunday. This is the first day in Holy Week, the week in which we remember the days leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. READERS ARE NEEDED for the reading of the Passion. Parts include Jesus, Peter, Disciple, Servant Girl, Servant 2, Servant 3, Soldier 1, Soldier 2, Pilate, Elders, Criminal 1, and Criminal 2. Please click this email link and indicate which part you'd prefer. First come, first served! Pastorbecki@gmail.com

On Thursday, March 28th  we will celebrate a Seder Meal together. The meal will be held at Little River from 6:30 - 8:00, and include a real dinner as well as the Order of Seder service. This is a family event, with adults and children invited. It is a perfect time to invite a friend or neighbor! There will be no charge for the dinner, however, an offering will be taken and given toward our mission work in Ghana. Please sign up today by clicking the email link. SRCAnglican@gmail.com

Lease negotiations have gone well with PVUMC, and are nearing a positive conclusion. Please keep this in your prayers, and look forward to a frim announcement about our plans to move to new worship space in the very near future.

It's time to register for Confirmation class if you plan to be confirmed on April 14th. Class will be held tomorrow from 9:00 until 2:00.
Please click the link to sign up. SRCAnglican@gmail.com
will be collected on Easter. All offering from the cans will be used for our mission work in Ghana.

It is time to sign up to sponsor Easter Flowers. This is a wonderful way to show our thanksgiving, and to remember those who have gone before us. Please sign up on Sunday!
Our 4th annual Family Camp will be held June 14 – 16, and the cost is a bit less than last year! Our theme will be "Roamin Roman Holiday." The activities will be a blend of new adventures and old favorites. Sign up early! You won't want to miss the fun!!
Bishop John and Meg, his wife,  will be with us for the weekend of April 12-14th. Our weekend will include a vestry dinner on Friday evening, a breakfast gathering for our middle and high school youth on Saturday morning, a meeting for those being confirmed, and an all parish dinner and time of teaching and fellowship on Saturday evening. It is also possible that we will have a new worship space to bless, and cause for great celebration together as  e enter a new phase of life at SRC. Please save the date and plan to participate!

Our women's ministry will host a lunch on Sunday, April 28th. Please talk to Maryann Branch to sign up.

South Rising is hosting it's spring yard sale on Saturday, May 4th. Please begin now to save items for our tables. All items in salable condition are welcome. Please hold them until nearer the date of the sale. We will need many hands to set up, sell, and take down. Please sign up to help.
Our first ever Vacation Bible School will be held Monday, June 17th - Friday, June 21st, in the mornings We have three host homes, three storytellers, a craft person, and a music person already lined up. We will need a snack person, a game person, and middle and high school helpers, and children! Registration will be open first to those in SRC, and then to those in the community. Please volunteer!
SOUTH RIDING CHURCH is a church in the Anglican tradition. We are a member of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic (DoMA), and the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

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