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Friday, April 27, 2012


Dear Parish Family,

This coming Sunday we celebrate the fourth Sunday of Easter, and we will baptize little Alyssa Langston, initiating her into Christ/s church.  Our readings will include Acts 4:5-12 Psalm 23, 1 John 3:16-24, and John 10:11-18. 

The date is set for our best family camp yet. On June 22-24 I am praying many of you will join the fun at the Bishop Claggett Center, located about an hour from South Riding. Our Theme this year is 
"Trials, Temptations, and Triumphs: 
Warrior. Liar. Hero. Murderer. King." New adult small groups and activities for youth and children will be ready for participants to enjoy! Financial commitment forms will be handed out next week. Please let me know if you are interested in going.

The South Riding Yard Sale date is May 5th. SRCA will have a table for the sale of books, DVD's, CD's, and games. Please begin now to collect your things. We will need help that day. Please talk to Mike Stombock to volunteer. The dropoff point is the Stombock home. Please talk to Mike or to me if you need directions.

Sunday, June 10th at 12:30 all the women of the parish are invited to Eggspectations for a women's tea/lunch. Please let Maryann Branch know if you plan to attend. 

Our spring Women's retreat at the Crab Shack is scheduled for May 18-20. We are praying for many of our women to  be able to join us for this time apart. The Theme is "Joy in the Journey." Please sign up on the hospitality table.

All blessings in Christ Jesus,

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

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