Dear SRCA Family,
I pray you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. I did miss being withyou all, but I hear things went well on Sunday. Thankyou for your welcome to Rev. Sue Hardman.
PRAYERS FOR THE PARISH are scheduled for tonight (Tuesday) from 7 until 8 at the 304. Let's meet together to pray for the life and growth of our parish! Please rmemeberyour vestry in pryaer this week especially as we prepare for our vestry retreat Friday evening and all day Saturday.
NEEDED: Yardsale Help! Saturday, Sept. 11. We need help with set up and pack up, as well as a few hands to help Bruce man the table. Set up is at 7:30. Take down will most likely begin about 11:45, depending on the crowd. Please reply to this email if you can help. We also need your books, dvds and music cds to sell. These can be dropped off at the yard sale on Saturday morning. I willsend out more info regarding the location. If you need to drop things off beforethat, they can come tothe Branch house (call first) or to the 304 later on Friday evening (after 9:00 - call my cell number, found below).
Our ACOLYTE GUILD will be instituted this Sunday, Sept. 12th during our 10:00 worship. Each acolyte will receive a special acolyte cross showing thier membership in the guild. Trainig dates and treat dates will be forthcoming
WOMEN'S RETREAT ON THE RUN begins this Sunday, September 12 from 1:30 until 3:00 at the 304. Four sessions are scheduled. Our conversation will center around the book, The Shack. Please let me know via response to this email if you plan to attend on Sunday.
WOMEN"S BIBLE STUDY BEGINNING Monday, September 13 at Melinda's house. We will meet at 9:15 to discuss possible topices, frequency of meeting, etc. It's fine to bring young children. If you need Melinda's address, please call the church office or my cell.
That's it for now. Excitingtheings are happening at SRCA!
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