Dear Parish Family, Our life together offers many opportunities for deepening our relationship with Jesus. In addition to weekly worship and prayer, there are a number of small group opportunities available to us. As we currently have no Sunday morning adult education or small group offerings (this will change as we grow together!), our meeting together during the week for deeper feeding becomes vitally important. As your rector I am committed to multiplying the number of groups meeting, and to encouraging each and every adult and youth in the parish to become a part of one! If you have not joined a small group, please consider this your personal invitation. If there is no group that meets your needs (be it scheduling or topic) would you please bring that to me so I might work toward rectifying that? I am convicted that if I am to live into God's call on my life as priest, I must put tremendous energy into "presenting everyone mature in Christ." (Col. 1:28). Blessings, Becki+
Our readings for Sunday include Amos 6:1a, 4-7; Psalm 146,; 1 Timothy 6:6-20, and Luke 16:19-31. Paul begins and ends his letter to Timothy with an admonition against false teachers. The only way to know true teachers from false is to be deeply committed to learning truth. God's Word is truth. Let's commit to coming together to be as iron sharpening iron, so that we each might stand firm in the truth and light of Jesus. See you Sunday.
Friday, September 24, 2010
SRCA News and nots
Thursday, September 16, 2010
SRCA News and Notes
Dear Parish Family,
I'm so very excited about an upcoming two events in our parish life together. On the first weekend in December our bishop, The Right Reverend John Guernsey, will be with us, not just for the day, but for the weekend. If there are topics you would like the bishop to address while he is with us, please let Paul Branch, Senior Warden, or me know. The second event is our Faith Alive Weekend. You will be hearing more about this wonderful opportunity as weeks go past, but for now let me just say that is a weekend opportunity to laugh and eat and cry and laugh and worship together. There is wonderful children's ministry, teen ministry, and adult ministry that take place. Folks across the nation are already praying for our Faith Alive weekend.The date is January 21-23, 2011. Please mark your calendars and save the dates!
Sunday's readings include: Amos 8:4-7, Psalm 113, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, and Luke 16:1-13. The thunderous thought I will not put in print here lest little eyes see it and misinterpret it (and get into trouble)! Therefore, stay tuned, and you will hear it during the message. You won't want to miss it; it could change your life… at least – your prayer life!
Worship is a habit. My prayer is that you will continually strengthen your worship habit!
Friday, September 10, 2010
SRCA News and Notes
Dear Parish Family,
Women's Retreat on the Run begins Sunday at 1:30. This is a chance to discuss The Shack and to share together as women. Please respond to this email if you plan to attend.
This Sunday we will have several special parts in our worship service. The children's message will be given by one of our Children's Ministry Coordinators, Brad Bennink. He will be describing an opportunity for our younger members to receive recognition for "being Christ" to those around them. This is important for all of us to hear, as we all need to support our younger members. We will also be recognizing our acolytes with prayers and a special presentation. Lastly, this is the last day for our nursery workers, Jessica and Veronica, to be with us. We plan to wish them well and send them off in style.
The Sunday readings include Exodus 32:7-14, Psalm 51:1-11, 1 Timothy 1:12-17, and Luke 15:1-10. We will hear of our ancestors who were so quick to fall into idolatry, and of Jesus' mission to seek and save the lost. In that there is a reminder that the church does not exist so that we can all hang out together, as much fun as that is! The church, which is Christ's body on earth, is called to the same mission he so clearly identified. We are called to seek and save the lost – by introducing them to Jesus. That's the thunderous thought for the week – the church does not exist for us. We, the church, exist for others.
If you've been away for a while, plan to join us on Sunday as we worship God together. It's the very best start to any week!
In Christ,