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Friday, June 18, 2010

SRCA News and Notes

Sunday, July 4th: Our Sunday worship will give everyone the opportunity to join in our Family Camp! There will be no worship at Little River. Everyone is invited to come to the Bishop Claggett Center, about an hour away, for worship at 10:00. Our worship band will be there along with about 25 others who are going to camp that weekend. We will grill burgers and dogs and enjoy the beauty of the place after worship. Please plan now to join you parish family for a wonderful time. If you contact me today you can still come to camp for the weekend! Direction sheets will be available the next 2 Sundays.
June 27th is our Sunday School Bridging Ceremony. Plan now to be in church that Sunday  to support our youth and children.
As I type this it is day 18 in our 100 days of prayer. Please be faithful in praying fro this community and for those who don't know the love of the Savior.
SOCKS FOR GHANAIAN CHILDREN: I have accepted the challenge to collect 100 pair of white socks, 50 in size 2-4 and 50 in size 4-7. Would you be willing to help by picking up a few pair and bringing them to church? I have until 6/27 to reach the target! Thanks for your help.
No matter how good you try to be, you can never be good enough for God. Yet God loves you with an everlasting love, and he cares about every detail of your life. These two thunderous thoughts have been the start of our summer sermon series, which will examine core truths about God and about us.


Our scripture lessons for Sunday include 1 Kings 19:1-15a, Psalm 42, Galatians 3:23-29, and Luke 8:26-39. In them we hear of Elijah hearing God in the "still, small, voice," David's longing for more of God, Paul's affirmation that we are saved by faith in Christ rather than by works of the law, and Jesus bringing deliverance and healing to a man possessed by demons. The focus of today's message will be the gospel passage from Luke, in which we see the power of God at work as Jesus defeats the devil's darkness in a power encounter. Let's be prepared to take a closer look at this passage, and then to stand in awe as we recall Jesus' words that we are to do works greater than his. That's the thunderous thought of the week, coming in the light of this incredible story about the power or God at work.


I'm truly blessed to be here and I pray you feel blessed to be here too! see you Sunday!







AM setup:  Mike, Bruce, and the women who volunteered. Be there at 8:30.

Take Down:  The Women of the parish

Altar Guild:  Maryann and Mary D

Acolyte: Nicholas, Jack

Hospitality:  Sally

Greeters:  Don and Gail

Sunday School:  Melinda

Nursery:  staff

Reader/Prayers of the People:  Kimberly

LEMs:  Kimberly, Jason

Prayer Team:  Zita, Don

Ushers:  Alan, Jon


The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Church, Anglican
Office 703-961-1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters.
Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?"