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Friday, May 7, 2010

SRCA News and Notes

Dear Parish Family,
Please join us in praying for the women in our lives who have been "mom" to us in one way or another. On Sunday we will offer a prayer of blessing for all women in their life and work.

Sunday we celebrate the 6th Sunday of Easter, with just one more to go, and then – Pentecost! Our readings today include Acts 16:6-15, Psalm 67, Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5 and John 14:23-29.


In Acts we hear of Paul being guided to the place where God would have him establish a church –the first Christian church on the European continent; and we hear of Lydia, the first Christian convert in Europe. This account is full of material to help us as we build our church and seek to understand our own call to mission and ministry.


Psalm 67 is a psalm of praise and blessing. From the Revelation to John we hear a further account of the New Jerusalem, and from John's gospel, we hear the promise of the Holy Spirit, and of the new command – that we are to love one another.


I'm praying you plan to worship with us – it won't be the same without you. Please come and join in the singing and the prayers as you seek the peace and the presence of the holy God who created you and loves you.


Sunday Servers:

AM setup:  Mike, Brad, Bob, Bruce

Take Down:  all hands on deck

Altar Guild:  Jason

Acolytes: Vriginia, Colman

Hospitality:  Kathy

Greeters:  Wheelers

Sunday School: Dads

Nursery:  staff

Reader/Prayers of the People: Tom

LEMs:  Jason, Paul

Prayer Team:  Zita, Zach

Ushers:  Alan, volunteer


The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924

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