Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924
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Our worship will begin in front of the school (or in the entry way if the weather is bad). After blessing the palms we will process to our usual place of worship to the familiar strains of "All Glory, Laud, and Honor." Our children are invited to be with us for this, and to receive palm branches to wave in the procession. At the end of this part of the service (when we move to our worship space) the children will go to Sunday School where they will have a special craft.
The lectionary reading for the day include: Luke 19:28-40 and Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 at the blessing of the palms, and Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16, Philippians 2:5-11, and Luke 22:14-23:56.
So that we might better focus on the Passion narrative, we will only be using it and the Philippians reading during the regular "Liturgy of the Word," that is, the regular time of reading the lessons in the service. In place of a "teaching or preachy" type of sermon, I will be offering a meditation that ties into the Passion Narrative. It is not a time to "heap up words." Since we do not have a formal Good Friday Liturgy, we will focus our attention on Jesus' self-giving love shown in his sacrificial death on the cross.
See you Sunday at 5 of 10 (smile) – and if you agreed to read a part in the Passion Narrative, please remember to bring your booklet.
Scroll down for Sunday servers.
Sunday Servers
AM setup: Mike, Brad, Charlie, Bruce
Take Down: all hands on deck
Altar Guild: Mary D.
Acolyte: Coleman, Mary
Hospitality: Kathy
Greeters: Mary
Sunday School: Alexandra with a craft
Nursery: staff
Reader/Prayers of the People: Bob R.
LEMs: Mary and volunteer - email becki+ to volunteer
Prayer Team: Young Hee and Zita
Ushers: Adrian, Alan
Our worship will begin in front of the school (or in the entry way if the weather is bad). After blessing the palms we will process to our usual place of worship to the familiar strains of "All Glory, Laud, and Honor." Our children are invited to be with us for this, and to receive palm branches to wave in the procession. At the end of this part of the service (when we move to our worship space) the children will go to Sunday School where they will have a special craft.
The lectionary reading for the day include: Luke 19:28-40 and Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 at the blessing of the palms, and Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16, Philippians 2:5-11, and Luke 22:14-23:56.
So that we might better focus on the Passion narrative, we will only be using it and the Philippians reading during the regular "Liturgy of the Word," that is, the regular time of reading the lessons in the service. In place of a "teaching or preachy" type of sermon, I will be offering a meditation that ties into the Passion Narrative. It is not a time to "heap up words." Since we do not have a formal Good Friday Liturgy, we will focus our attention on Jesus' self-giving love shown in his sacrificial death on the cross.
See you Sunday at 5 of 10 (smile) – and if you agreed to read a part in the Passion Narrative, please remember to bring your booklet.
Scroll down for Sunday servers.
Sunday Servers
AM setup: Mike, Brad, Charlie, Bruce
Take Down: all hands on deck
Altar Guild: Mary D.
Acolyte: Coleman, Mary
Hospitality: Kathy
Greeters: Mary
Sunday School: Alexandra with a craft
Nursery: staff
Reader/Prayers of the People: Bob R.
LEMs: Mary and volunteer - email Becki+ to volunteer
Prayer Team: Young Hee and Zita
Ushers: Adrian, Alan
Paul and Mary both had hearts that had been converted to Jesus – hearts that had fallen in love with the one who so loved them. Each of us must undergo such a conversion if we are to serve God fully, and not just that conversion, but two others as well. Come Sunday to hear the three conversions that are essential to living out the Christian life, lest we be like the Judaizers, stuck in the forms of religion without the heart of the Savior.
See you Sunday!
In Christ,
This weekend marks the tenth anniversary of public worship at South Riding Church. How like our gracious Lord to choose this Sunday to include the perfect passage in terms of our call to share the gospel (and my own life verse and seminary class verses)!
Our readings this week include Joshua 5:9-12, Psalm 32, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, and Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32. In Joshua we hear that God's people finally are to eat their own produce rather than manna. How like us as after ten years we no longer are living from the provision of others, but are instead financially striving to be God dependent and self sufficient rather than depending from "manna" from outside sources.
From Paul's second letter to the Corinthians we hear the glorious proclamation that we are new creations in Christ – and that we have a call on our lives to be his ambassadors proclaiming that Christ is the reconciler. What wonderful reminder of our call here in South Riding, and of the original vision for this church, which was to reach the lost who live here among us.
The gospel reading is "The Parable of the Prodigal Son," or perhaps more aptly named "The Parable of the Loving and Forgiving Father. " This is the God we are to proclaim here in South Riding and beyond! No matter what we have done or how far we have wondered, God stands ready to heal and forgive, to renew and restore.
On Sunday there will be a time of sharing a brief witness or testimony about South Riding Church and what it means in your life. No one will call on you! No one expects you to say anything! But, if you feel that nudge from God to share, then please do so. We are all built up when we hear of how God is acting in the lives of our fellow travelers. I will share a brief message from the readings that will tie everything together.
See you Sunday!
Women's Luncheon this Sunday, March 7 beginning at 12:45 at the Grand Thai.
Youth Acolytes begin serving this Sunday. We welcome 6 youth who have volunteered: Daniel Richardson, Coleman Davenport, Mary Davenport, Virginia Campbell, Nicholas Branch, and Jack Branch.
March 13 is right around the corner. Our 10 year celebration dinner is from 5:00-7:00. You should have received an "evite." If you did not respond yet, please do so asap so we can plan to have enough food. If for some reason you did not receive the evite, please call the parish office to RSVP.
A Women's Retreat is being planned for April 30 - May 2. Ladies - if you have theme ideas please email them to me or talk with me Sunday after worship.
Our readings for Sunday, March 7th include: Exodus 3:1-15, Psalm 63:1-8, 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, and Luke 13:1-9. In them we meet Moses standing on holy ground, talking with God at the burning bush. We hear the psalmist say they have gazed on God in the holy place, responded with praise, and raised his hands in worship. Paul writes to the Corinthians, "do not become idolaters." And we hear Jesus calling on people to repent or perish.
Women's Luncheon this Sunday, March 7 beginning at 12:45 at the Grand Thai.
Youth Acolytes begin serving this Sunday. We welcome 6 youth who have volunteered: Daniel Richardson, Coleman Davenport, Mary Davenport, Virginia Campbell, Nicholas Branch, and Jack Branch.
March 13 is right around the corner. Our 10 year celebration dinner is from 5:00-7:00. You should ha ve received an "evite." If you did not respond yet, please do so asap so we can plan to have enough food. If for some reason you did not receive the evite, please RSVP by responding to this email giving your family name and number attending.
A Women's Retreat is being planned for April 30 - May 2. Ladies - if you have theme ideas please email them to me or talk with me Sunday after worship.
Our readings for Sunday, March 7th include: Exodus 3:1-15, Psalm 63:1-8, 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, and Luke 13:1-9. In them we meet Moses standing on holy ground, talking with God at the burning bush. We hear the psalmist say they have gazed on God in the holy place, responded with praise, and raised his hands in worship. Paul writes to the Corinthians, "do not become idolaters." And we hear Jesus calling on people to repent or perish.