Dear Parish Family,
I am so glad to be back with you after our time away. The weather was perfect on the Outer Banks and in the North Carolina Mountains, and clergy conference was absolutely terrific. I came back refreshed and renewed, and so excited about our church and what the future holds for us!
Please note the following opportunity for women: Arcola Methodist is hosting a Breast Cancer Awareness workshop on Monday, October 18th. They will be providing a chili dinner beforehand with beef, chicken and veggie chili at 6:30 p.m. The presentation will begin at 7:30 p.m. You are invited to come and to bring your sisters, daughters and friends. The writer of the ad writes, "I promise you will not be pressured to join our church - this is just one of the many public services we are providing this year to help the community. Hope to see you there!"
Ladies, Sunday the 17th also marks our final "Women's Retreat on the Run," beginning at 12:45 at the 304. Please plan to join in the discussion and fellowship! We will also be brainstorming about some other women's events. A light lunch will be provided.
I have attached an invitation from Don Holt and Gail Haddock with regard to another opportunity for fellowship and outreach. Please RSVP asap if you are able to come.
On Sunday we will celebrate the "Children's Sabbath." It is a day to reflect on our stewardship with regard to caring for our children, and for those children in places where their basic needs are not met. Our children will remain with us this Sunday rather than going off to Sunday School, so that they can be included in our entire worship experience. The sermon will be interactive and geared to engage children as well as adults..
At the time of the consecration of the elements, I will invite and youth or children who want to, to come forward to help.
Our scripture lessons for Sunday include Jeremiah 31:27-34, Psalm 119:97-104, 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, and Luke 18:1-8.
Let us come together on Sunday to make a joyful noise unto the Lord, celebrating all he has done for us.