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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Our Relationship with God

Dear Parish Family,
I finally have the email list in place, and internet service to the "304" (AKA the office or Becki's apartment at the Devon). I truly hope that many of you will stop by and see the office area and have a cup of tea or coffee with me. The office is open Mondays - Wednesdays from 9:30 until 1:00, and in the afternoons and evenings by appointment. Thursday is generally my day for study and sermon prep.
I am really looking forward to having time to visit with each of you!
I am putting out a plea for folks to assist with setting up the altar (altar guild help) for the third and fourth (and fifth) Sunday of each month. This is a critical need, and is very easy to do. Please let me know if you would be willing to help. We are glad to train you in what to do (its pretty easy).

The readings for this Sunday, November 9, 2009 are: Proper 27, Year B

1 Kings 17:8-16; Psalm 146; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44


When we think about our relationship with God, how many of us are in the position of having asked God to do big or great things for us? We pray and ask God to solve our problems, to heal our sickness, to bring us hope and comfort in hard and dark times. How many of us pray and ask God for the opportunity to do big things or great things for him and for the building up of God's kingdom.


Today we hear two stories about women who do great things for God. Both are widows, marginalized by the societies in which they live, both people of meager means by the world's standard. Yet both make a bold move for God. One takes a risk that trumps maternal instinct. The other gives all she has with no thought for how she will live tomorrow. Both are remembered in the pages of Holy Scripture.


What does it look like for each of us to do big or bold things for God? As a church we make a claim to engage in risk taking prayer. This would be a "big thing for God. How engaged are we in that endeavor, and what might God be calling us to in this season of our life together? Come Sunday and be challenged to do great things for the great God we worship and serve! See you then.


Let's be praying for God to bless our worship as we come together this Sunday.

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