Dear friends: This upcoming Sunday our passage for consideration is James 4:7-5:6. Please take a look at it before Sunday.
The Letter of James is a powerful document. It was written to correct errors in theology that had crept into some corners of the growing Church. Paul, in his Letter to the Romans, had made it clear that we are saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. It's not an easy concept to accept; imagine, God, the Creator of the entire Universe, loving ME (substitute your name!!) enough to die on the Cross so we might live! And to prove God's Almighty power over anything that can resist us and our faith walk, He rose from the dead, proving that even death is no longer an undefeatable enemy.
Some Christians, however, took Paul's teachings and ran the wrong way with them. They thought that since we are saved by faith, then we can act in relation to others in any way we desire. James comes along in this Letter to say "No, No, No!" Our faith is and always must be the basis of our ethics. The fact of the matter is that when we believe in Christ and receive the Holy Spirit we are indeed new people!! And our changed heart must be reflected in changed actions. As James says, "Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only!"
In Sunday's passage, we are going to explore a concrete application of this theology. We are going to explore what true humility is, and how it influences the way we live before God and people. Simply put, humility is not putting the self down, or letting others run all over you. Humility is living in recognition that God is the source of our life, that He has given us unique gifts, and that He is our strength when we use these gifts to the glory of God and the spreading of the Gospel by word and deed.
Contrary to this is living arrogantly. James gives three specific examples how living arrogantly is not the way God wants us to be. We'll take a closer look at this on Sunday, and apply it to our own Christian walk. So I'll see you Sunday!!
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