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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Paul's Vision

Our message this week concerns a very famous reference by Paul. In II Corinthians 12:2-10, Paul speaks of a vision or revelation God had given him, in which he is somehow transported into the "Third Heaven". Most of us probably assumed there was only one, but don't let the language here mislead you. In Paul's day, remember, there was no scientific knowledge of meteorology or astronomy. Existence was considered to be like a big bowl over our heads, because that is what it looks like when you go out, day or night, and look up. First Heaven is what we would call the atmosphere; Second Heaven is where the stars are, and Third Heaven is in the presence of God. Paul was somehow transported, whether bodily or in a vision, into the very presence of God!! What a trip!!

In this revelation, Paul heard things that he could not repeat, and hadn't for some 14 years, until pushed to do so by the Corinthian Church. They confronted him with Christian leaders who were tryingto put Paul down, and to belittle his message about Jesus. Any real spiritual leader, they thought, would have some wonderful knowledge given directly by God Himself.

And yes, Paul had had such an experience. But God didn't want him to boast about it. In fact, according to Paul, God had given the Great Apostle a "thorn in the flesh" to keep him from becoming too puffed up with his blessed experience. Who knows what this so-called thorn is? Some scholars have speculated a physical ailment; some a mental condition; some have even said it might be a group of enemies who kept following Paul around and bothering him, interfering with his ministry.

But that isn't important. What is important is that when Paul's strength was gone, and life was beyond his ability to fix it, then God was able to fill in the gap. Paul concludes by saying that God's strength is made perfect in his weakness.

Obviously, there is a huge lesson for us in this. Come to Church this Sunday, and we're going to talk about it.



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