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Friday, January 16, 2009

What is Christ calling us to do?

Dear Friends:
This Sunday we are considering what it means to be called by Jesus into service.  When one is called to be a disciple of the Lord, are we also called to be a carbon copy of Jesus?   Or are we called to follow the Lord with our lives, but still flavoring our ministries with our own unique personalities?
The Scripture story we are considering is found in John 1:43-51.  It is the story of Jesus' call of Philip and Nathaniel.  Philip, when called by the Christ, seems to show a bit of the missionary spirit about him.  He goes straight to Nathaniel and invites him to "Come and See" Jesus.  Nathaniel, on the other hand, shows some hesitation.  He responds with those very famous words "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?".  And yet, in the end, they are both called into Christian service, a service which lasts them the rest of their lives.
Like these two very different personalities, we each have unique gifts and graces that we can bring into the ministry.  Some of us do one thing well -- some another.  Some like to be in front of the limelight.  Some behind the scenes.  But each of us is serving as the Lord has called us to do.  Not one calling is better than another.  But all are in some ways very different from each other.
What is Christ calling us to do?  Come join us on Sunday, and let's find out together!!!

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