Dear Friends:
This Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Advent, and the lectionary study we will be doing is Luke 1:26-38. This story will be very familiar -- it is the story of the visitation of Mary the mother of Jesus by the archangel Gabriel. The purpose of the visit is to announce that Mary would give birth to the Savior of the world, Jesus.
You know, there are some things you just can't explain. This is one of them. Who can explain or understand a virginal birth? For that matter, if we back up a little, we find the story of Gabriel bringing the message of the birth of John the Baptist. Also miraculous, John the Baptist's mother Elizabeth was past child-bearing age. How can one explain that? Explanations across the years have ranged from the silly to the far-fetched, but the bottom line is, we can't explain either event. God is in the miracle business, and He doesn't always tell us how He does things.
And so this story of Gabriel's visit to Mary affirms two very important truths. First of all, God loves us enough to become Emmanuel, God-With-Us. He didn't have to do that, you know! He could have set back on Day 7 of Creation and said, "Good Job!! I'll think I'll rest for an eternity or so!!" Secondly, this passage teaches us that "Nothing is impossible for God!!" These are the angel's words. Later on in Luke they will be Jesus' words as well.
Do we have anything impossible facing us? Remember, God has, and can, overcome the impossible, making it quite possible.
We'll talk about it this Sunday!! See you there!!
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