WELCOME On Sunday, November 3rd,
we will be participating in a joint community service along with Gateway Community Church and South Point Church. Our worship will be held at Mercer Middle School in Stone Ridge, just off of Gum Springs Road.
The address is 42149 Greenstone Drive. The service time is still 10:00. The mother and daughter from the movie "Finding Faith" will be interviewed during the sermon portion of the service. Nursery and Sunday School for elementary school children will be available. Children will be in Sunday School for the entire service. Parents wishing to get their children for communion a re invited to go get them at the conclusion of the sermon by Pastor Gary. The service will be followed a time of discussion and a light pizza lunch. Child care will be provided.
nd and 3
rd, Christ Church will participate in a joint showing of the movie "Finding Faith." This movie deals directly with human sex trafficking in… not the Far East… but in our own back yard, and is based on a true story.
The movie will be shown Saturday evening. Children's activities and childcare will be available. On Sunday morning we will be joining several area churches for a joint worship service. The real life family upon whose story the movie is based, will be with us both times to speak.
I strongly encourage every family with children and teens to attend. Saturday activities begin at 6:00, and Sunday at 10:00.OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILDis in full swing. Please make your contributions today.
We will go shopping and pack boxes on Sunday, Nov. 3rd. Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to meet at Miss Alexandra's house at 2:00. We will finish by 6:00. We will also need a driver or two to help with transportation to and from the store. Please let Pastor Becki know that you are coming by clicking
PRAYER REQUESTPlease keep Bert and Claire, Cate and Eliza, in your prayers. I invite you to pray God's best for them all during difficult days.
PRAYERS FOR THE PARISH will not be held this Tuesday. Please pray for the parish at home. "Prayer doesn't prepare us for the battle. Prayer IS the battle."
WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDYOn Tuesday, Nov. 5th, Women's Bible Study will meet at Melinda's home at 7:00. All women are invited to attend. It's not too late to join in!
OUR ANNUAL PARISH MEETING will be held on Sunday, November 17
th, immediately following our Sunday worship service. A soup and sandwich lunch will be served. We will be electing three vestry members, and hearing about the exciting life of this wonderful church. Please plan now to be in attendance.
CHRIST CHURCH is a church in the Anglican tradition. We are a member of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic (DoMA), and the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)