| SUNDAY WORSHIPThis week we will celebrate All Saints Sunday. Our readings will include Isaiah 25:6-9, Psalm 24, Revelation 21:1-6a, and John 11:32-44. The Rev. Becki Neumann will be preaching on Unit 11 of theExperiencing God Bible Study, "Kingdom People." There will be a special prayer remembering loved ones who have died. For the name of your loved ones to be included in the prayer for All Saints, please email names to Pastor Becki atSRCAnglican@gmail.com no later than Friday evening, Nov. 2. We will also be collecting gently used coats this Sunday only. Please go through your closets and bring those not needed coats so they can bless someone else. Next Sunday, Nov. 11th, we will celebrate the 24th Sunday after Pentecost. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: NOV. 11 Next Sunday, November 11th, our Annual Parish Meeting will be held immediately following church. Lunch will be served. Plan to attend and hear the wonderful things happening in SRCA. We will also be electing 3 vestry members. Serving on vestry is a wonderful opportunity and a blessing in our church! Our nomineses will be announced on Sunday, Nov. 4th. SERVICE OPPORTUNITYWe have the opportunity to paint a studio space used by a Cancer center near Loudon Hospital. Everyone in grades 6 and up is eligible to volunteer. I am looking to put together a team of 6-8 folks to paint this Sunday, Nov. 4 from 2:00 - 5:00 (or until completion). Please email Pastor Becki atSRCanglican@gmail.com to sign up. You must be in grade 6 or up to volunteer. Adults needed and welcome!!Prayers forthe Parish Prayers for the parish will meet Tuesday night from 7:15-8:30 at the Englehardt's in Stone Ridge. Please join us in the important work of praying for our parish and communities. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD We have begun collecting for Operation Christmas Child. We ask for a donation of $20.00 for each box. This covers shipping ($7.00) and gives $13.00 to provide contents that will make a child's entire Christmas. Last year we donated 78 shoe boxes. Please help us continue to give in a way that reflects the great gift given to us in Jesus. Sign up on the hospitality table to donate, or see Alexandra, Jackie, Meghan, or Rose. You may also fill your own boxes. Please include the $7.00 shipping charge. For directions visit the Operation Christmas Child website at http://www.samaritanspurse.org. Checks may be made payable to SRCA. We will bless the boxes on Nov. 18th, and they will then be immediately delivered to the drop off point. All boxes must be at church on the 18th!ACOLYTE OUTING On Sunday, Dec. 2 all acolytes and family members are invited to attend the Service of Advent Lessons and Carols at the National Cathedral. The service begins at 4:00. We will meet at the 304.2 parking lot at 1:00. Our afternoon will include a tour of the cathedral and attendance at the service. We will plan to return to South Riding by about 6:30. Please RSVP to SRCAnglican@gmail.com by Nov. 25th, so adequate transportation can be in place.
ALPHA IS COMNG... The Alpha Course will begin in January. It will be held on Monday evenings. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to the unchurched, de churched, or to people of other faith traditions who are open to exploring Christianity. Please be thinking now about whom you might invite to attend. Invitations will be available next week.
The Alpha Marriage Course is an opportunity to "tune up" a marriage. It will also begin in January, and be held on Friday evenings. Begin praying now as to whether this is a good opportunity for you and your spouse to set aside a little "marriage time." This course is also open to those in the community. Invitations and brochures will be available next week. Blessings,
Becki+ |
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