Dear Parish Family,
Announcing the birth of Alyssa Campbell L., born to Kimberely and Ben. Alyssa was born Tuesday morning. She is healthy and beautiful!
Kimberly and Ben are using the website Contact Pastor Becki for the password to sign up. Meals over the next few months, and especially as Ben returns to work and resumes traveling in late February, will be greatly appreciated. Let's do our usual wonderful job of ministering to this family!
Bishop John Guernsey, and his wife Meg+ are scheduled to be with us tomorrow evening, Saturday, and Sunday. Please call the parish office for more details.
Bishop John Guernsey, and his wife Meg+ are scheduled to be with us tomorrow evening, Saturday, and Sunday. Please call the parish office for more details.
On Sunday we will celebrate the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. Our readings include Deuteronomy 18:15-20 , Psalm 111, 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, and Mark 1:21-28 . Bishop John will be celebrating Eucharist, preaching, and confirming four of our members. Plan to attend to support your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Please note that the Women's Bible Study is cancelled for Monday, Jan. 30th. It will resume on Feb. 5th.
Lastly, a reminder that Bruce and I leave on Monday, January 30th for a teaching trip to Alaska, where there is over 100 inches of snow on the ground, and the temps have been in the negative numbers for several weeks. I will be teaching on a highly sensitive subject, and I covet your prayers.
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703-961-1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924
"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?"