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Thursday, October 27, 2011


Dear Parish Family,

Two weeks ago I attended a preaching conference. (It was wonderful!) One of the many things that struck me was the importance of continuing to pray for each member of the parish by name on a regular basis. To facilitate this I would like to get a photo of each family. The photo will go in my parish prayer journal (they will also be used in the secure, online directory I hope to get up and running). I will be dividing the parish list into 6 sections, and assigning each section a day of the week. Once finished, I will let you know which day I will be praying for you! My goal is to begin photographing on Sunday and to finish the day of hte annual parish meeting, Nov. 13.

This Sunday we celebrate the 20th Sunday after Pentecost. Our readings will include Joshua 3:7-17, Psalm 107:1-7 and 33-37, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13, and  Matthew 23:1-12. We will also bless our new acolytes and present them with their acolyte crosses. All returning acolytes will receive the next color cord for their current cross. 

To those interested in being an acolyte: If you were unable to make the training last week, Meghan will met with you briefly right after the service on Sunday. 

We need a volunteer each week. Teens in  grades 9 and up may volunteer, along with adults. Please look for the sign up sheet on the hospitality table. 

Beginning this Sunday we will be accepting donations toward OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD (the shoe boxes). Each box costs $20.00, or you may get instructions and pack your own box.  Please be generous!

I am encouraged each day by the fellowship we share as we seek to serve and honor Jesus!




Sunday, November 6: All Saint's celebration and the Honoring of our Veterans. Please invite your neighbors and family members who are veterans to join us for a special service that will honor them for their service to God and country. 

Saturday, November 12: Women's "Seaside Escape," Location: The Bishop Claggett Center, about an hour from SR. Come away for a day to refresh and re-energize. Open to all ladies in the parish, daughters in grades 6 and up, and their invited guests. Register today. Cost is $35.00 and includes lunch and materials. (The facility is handicapped accessible.)

Sunday, November 13: Annual Parish Meeting, election of new vestry members, state of the parish, hopes and dreams  for the future, and an all parish lunch.

Eveyone in grades 5 and up is invited to go Lazar tagging on Sunday, Nov. 13 beginning at 5 pm. A flier is attached to this email with all of the info. Please invite your friends!

Saturday, Dec. 10: Women's trip to NYC. Look for the signup sheet. Cost will depend on how many women are going. We will rent a van (driver already in place) or hire a bus if we have enough women to make it the better value). 

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?" 

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Dear Friends in Christ,

This is an exciting time to be a part of the Anglican Church! This past Wednesday I had the great joy of being part of first Standing Committee meeting in our newly formed diocese. The Standing Committee serves as both the executive committee of the diocese, and as a "council of advice" to the bishop. Bishop John began the meeting with both prayer and a brief Bible study, keeping Christ as the focus of all we do. 

Our opportunity is ever before us to invite our friends and neighbors to come and worship with us, to "taste and see that the Lord is good." Our call is to live out the great commission, inviting people to the knowledge and love of Jesus. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the courage to share the treasure you have in Christ, and in his wonderful church here at SRCA. 

Exciting Things Are Happening at South Riding Church

Sunday, Oct. 9: Women's Luncheon, Location will be determined after worship Sunday. Plan to join in a time of fellowship

Sunday, November 6: All Saint's celebration and the Honoring of our Veterans. Please invite your neighbors and family members who are veterans to join us for a special 
service that will honor them for their service to God and country. 

Saturday, November 12: Women's "Seaside Escape," Location: The Bishop Claggett Center, about an hour from SR. Come away for a day to refresh and re-energize. Open to all ladies in the parish, daughters in grades 6 and up, and their invited guests. Register today. Cost is $35.00 and includes lunch and materials. 

Saturday, Dec. 10: Women's trip to NYC. Look for the signup sheet. Cost will depend on how many women are going. We will rent a van (driver already in place) or hire a buss if we have enough women to make it the better value). 

Ministry to Children and Youth
All children and youth are asked to bring their Bibles to Sunday school. (This is a good idea for adults, too - so you can mark the readings, etc)

We are looking to hire a nursery worker. The starting pay is $15.00 per hour, for 2 hours each Sunday. Once the probationary period has been successfully completed, the wages go to $20.00 per hour.  Please ask around where you live, work, and play. Until someone is hired, we will need volunteers to staff the nursery. 

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office  703-961-1983
Cell  240-217-4370
Home  717-762-0924

"When it's all been said and done; there is just one thing that matters. Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you?"