Dear Parish Family,
The calendar and the heat say, "summer is here." The church calendar tells us that this Sunday is the tenth Sunday after Pentecost. We are in the midst of "growing season (that is why the liturgical color is green). Our lessons for Sunday come from Proper 13 in the Revised Common Lectionary, which is used in many liturgical churches and some non-liturgical churches as well. Those lessons include: Hosea 11:1-11, Psalm 107:1-9, 43, Colossians 3:1-11, and Luke 12:13-21.
In Hosea we will hear of the incredible love of the Father toward his children. The Psalm is a psalm of thanksgiving for God's steadfast love. Paul writes of the transformation that takes place when a person comes to be in Christ. In the gospel reading Luke recounts for us the parable of the rich young fool.
Can you imagine arriving in heaven to have God greet you by saying, "Fool?" I think I can safely say none of us wants to hear that. Why did God offer such a rebuke to the "rich young ruler, aka 'fool'?" It seems from the story that he had laid up treasure for himself but was not "rich toward God."
What does it mean to be rich toward God? We can begin with realizing that everything belongs to God. It's all his… and we get to keep most of it. That's our thunderous thought for the day: we get to keep 90%!
Worship is a habit... how's your habit forming this summer? See you on Sunday!