I understand that congratulations are in order to 2 of our younger members: to Jack Branch, who came in 2nd place (out of 120) in the pinewood derby for his Cub Scout Pack; and to Coleman Davenport who is the school wide spelling bee champ at Little River Elementary! Way to go guys!! We are proud of your accomplishments!
We have had two wonderful evenings with "Desert and Discussion." At least one more is scheduled. Please sign up Sunday to attend one of the remaining sessions!
This Sunday we celebrate the 4th Sunday after the Epiphany. Our readings include: Jeremiah 1:4-10, Psalm 71:1-6, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, and Luke 4:21-30. Thematically we can sum up the readings by saying we are known, called, loved and sent to proclaim the one who created us.
The focus of Sunday's message will be based on the Jeremiah reading – God's call to Jeremiah. Jeremiah was steadfast in his ministry, persevering in the face of hostile environments and the lack of tangible results. With only 2 converts in 40 years of ministry, Jeremiah was a failure from a human perspective. But from God's perspective we can acclaim Jeremiah's success for God did not call Jeremiah to bring a certain number of people to repentance. God called Jeremiah to trust him enough to show up and step out – to do what God asked him to do. And Jeremiah did.
Just as God knew and called Jeremiah, he knows and calls each of us, asking only that we be willing to "show up and step out." Are you willing? Let's explore this together on Sunday! See you then.
Schedule for Sunday: As this is the 5th Sunday of the month I am counting on folks to volunteer to cover Altar set up, Greeter, Set up and tear down, lector, acolyte, and LEM (Chalice bearer). This is a good time to try something new! I am glad to offer instruction before the service if you want to "step up" to a new ministry. Please respond to this email to volunteer.
Sunday School: Melinda
Hospitality Hour: Kathy
Music: The Worship band
Worship News
Beginning on Sunday, February 7, our children will all start off in Church. After the opening song, prayer and a brief children's message, they will be dismissed to Sunday School. This will give us an opportunity to include youth acolytes in our worship, and give the youth the opportunity to be more a part of our worship life.
Youth Acolytes Wanted
All youth in grades 3 and above are invited to be trained to be acolytes. Rev. Becki will meet with those interested after worship on Sunday, Feb. 14 and on Sunday Feb. 28. Both meetings / training sessions will last 20 to 30 minutes. We will begin using youth acolytes on Sunday, March 7. Please talk with Rev. Becki if your child is interested in being trained or to get more information.