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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Pageant Sunday, Jan. 6

Welcome to South Riding Anglican Church, where we are committed to telling the great story – the story of Jesus Christ, God's only Son and our only Savior.


As a part of telling the great story we are committed to helping all people, including our children, connect with God in meaningful ways. This morning we will share a special form of the telling of the great story – the birth of God into our midst in the person of Jesus will be shared by our children in our Christmas Pageant.


While I affectionately call such pageants "babies in bathrobes," I do so with the greatest respect for the importance of involving our children in telling the story of the one we long for them to worship. Today I praise God for all the children of our parish – we are indeed blessed; and I thank God for all those willing to help to bring this wonderful event to life.


Our children are telling the story today, here in our church. This begs the real question: How do you tell the story – the greatest story ever told? How does your life reflect the truth that God is with us – God is with you?  How do you, with words and deed, tell the story of Jesus and what he has done for you to those around you? As you watch our children notice that some speak out with great freedom, and some are quite shy and reserved.;  but they all work together to point to Jesus.  That's what we need to do as well - work together to point to Jesus.


See you Sunday!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Message from Pastor Becki

Dear Parish Family,
I am very much looking forward to our first Christmas together as we approach the celebration our Lord's nativity! I am praying for each family by name- that you may know the presence of Jesus in your hearts and homes this holiday season.
If you are a visitor to our web site, please come "Home for the Holidays" - home to a wonderful time celebrating the true meaning of Christmas. We would love to have you join us!
God and weather willing, we will gather at 5:00 PM on Christmas Eve at Little River Elementary School for worship. Their sidewalks are clear and the parking lot plowed. Please plan to join us there. It is a time to fall on our knees and gaze in wonder at the babe in the manger. Our Scripture readings that night are Isaiah 9:2-7, Titus 2:11-14, and Luke 2:1-20.
There will be no nursery or child care - and that is by design. We WANT our children of all ages to experience worship with their families. There will be a child friendly reading of the gospel, and a children's message as well as an adult homily. We adults have a lot to learn from watching the wonder of our children as they gaze with adoration at the babe with "no crib for his bed." It is to be expected that they will be wiggly and excited. IT'S OK - we should be wiggly and excited, too- the One through whom all things were created is about to be born anew into our hearts and lives. If that doesn't make us want to wiggle -well, it should!
Please invite friends and neighbors to join you for worship! Personal invitation is the single most effective way for others to come and see that the Lord is good. Pray and ask God whom you should ask - and then ask them!
See you on Thursday at 4:58 (or earlier)!
May the joy and delight of Christmas fill your heart to overflowing.
In Christ,
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Special Worship Service Announcements

Dear Parish Family and Guests,
I pray this finds you warm and safe in the midst of the beauty of our early winter snow storm!
Due to the forecast for continued snow and heavy accumulations, our 10:00 worship service for Sunday, December 20th is canceled.
Our Children's Christmas Pageant is rescheduled to Sunday, January 3rd. Sunday, December 27th we will have a service of Lessons and Carols.
Our Christmas Eve service will begin at 5:00. We will celebrate together with a message for both children and adults, and candle light and carols.
Have a blessed day tomorrow, and even though we aren't gathered for worship, let's all take the time to bow our heads and bend our knees and offer our praises to the King of Kings who has come and is coming again into the world.
With love and God's blessing,
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924

Worship Service Information

Dear Parish Family and Guests,
I pray this email finds everyone snug and warm in the midst of the beauty of our early winter snow storm.
Due to the forecast for continued snow and heavy accumulations, our 10:00 worship service for Sunday, December 20th is canceled.
Our Children's Christmas Pageant is rescheduled to Sunday, January 3rd. Sunday, December 27th we will have a service of Lessons and Carols.
Our Christmas Eve service will begin at 5:00. We will celebrate together with a message for both children and adults, and candle light and carols.
Have a blessed day tomorrow, and even though we aren't gathered for worship, let's all take the time to bow our heads and bend our knees and offer our praises to the King of Kings who has come and is coming again into the world.
With love and God's blessing,
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924

Worship Service Information

Dear Parish Family and Guests,
I pray this email finds everyone snug and warm in the midst of the beauty of our early winter snow storm.
Due to the forecast for continued snow and heavy accumulations, our 10:00 worship service for Sunday, December 20th is canceled.
Our Children's Christmas Pageant is rescheduled to Sunday, January 3rd. Sunday, December 27th we will have a service of Lessons and Carols.
Our Christmas Eve service will begin at 5:00. We will celebrate together with a message for both children and adults, and candle light and carols.
Have a blessed day tomorrow, and even though we aren't gathered for worship, let's all take the time to bow our heads and bend our knees and offer our praises to the King of Kings who has come and is coming again into the world.
With love and God's blessing,
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924

Worship Service Information

Dear Parish Family and Guests,
I pray this email finds everyone snug and warm in the midst of the beauty of our early winter snow storm.
Due to the forecast for continued snow and heavy accumulations, our 10:00 worship service for Sunday, December 20th is canceled.
Our Children's Christmas Pageant is rescheduled to Sunday, January 3rd. Sunday, December 27th we will have a service of Lessons and Carols.
Our Christmas Eve service will begin at 5:00. We will celebrate together with a message for both children and adults, and candle light and carols.
Have a blessed day tomorrow, and even though we aren't gathered for worship, let's all take the time to bow our heads and bend our knees and offer our praises to the King of Kings who has come and is coming again into the world.
With love and God's blessing,
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924

Friday, December 18, 2009


Due to the threat of snow arriving this evening, caroling has been canceled.
Please check back for the status on Sunday worship and the Christmas Pageant. If the pageant is not held this Sunday, it will only be postponed, not canceled.
Drive safely and enjoy the beauty of those billions of uniquely shaped snow flakes -a ll revealing the creativity and grandeur of God.
The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office 703 961 1983
Cell 240-217-4370
Home 717-762-0924

Friday, December 11, 2009

News and Notes

Special Activities Planned: Mark Your Calendar  


Sunday, Dec. 13th


10:00 Worship

REMINDER: Please bring your pledge cards if they were forgotten last week.


Father Andrew as celebrant and preacher. Come celebrate the conclusion of Father Andrew's ministry among us as we wish him well and pray for God to bless him in the coming months.


4:00 Celebration of New Ministry

Pastor Becki will be instituted as our new rector

The Right Reverend John Guernsey, Bishop of the Diocese of the Holy Spirit

will be celebrant

The Reverend Shawn Hill, friend of and mentor to Pastor Becki

will be the preacher

Reception to follow.


Please respond to this email if:

    1.  you can assist with child care during the service.

2. If you know you will need child care.

We will have paid workers for the nursery.  


Friday, Dec. 18th


Christmas Caroling and Fellowship

7:00 Gather at the Town Hall to carol in neighboring areas

8:30 Spiced Cider, hot cocoa and cookies at the "304"

RSVP by emailing Pastor Becki at bicthus@aol.com

Or by calling the office at 703-961-1983

Let's have a good turn out to shpread and share the love of Jesus

( and to make merry and have fun together!)


Sunday, December 20th


10:00 Worship with Children's Christmas Pageant


Thursday, December 24th


5:00 Christmas Eve Service for all ages.

Come and worship the newborn king!



For this Sunday


This Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent. The readings include: Zephaniah 3:14-20, Canticle 9, Philippians 4:4-7, and Luke 3:7-18.


This third Sunday of Advent is often called "love" Sunday, or Gaudete Sunday. The word Gaudete means "rejoice." We rejoice as we draw near to the time of the nativity of our Lord. Paul reminds us in the epistle reading fro the day that we are to "Rejoice in the Lord always!"  Advent is a time when we draw very near to God - who draws very near to us, and most especially in the Person of Jesus. Join us this Sunday to celebrate his coming into the world.






News and Notes


Special Activities Planned: Mark Your Calendar  


Sunday, Dec. 13th

10:00 Worship

REMINDER: Please bring your pledge cards if they were forgotten last week.


Father Andrew as celebrant and preacher. Come celebrate the conclusion of Father Andrew's ministry among us as we wish him well and pray for God to bless him in the coming months.


4:00 Celebration of New Ministry

Pastor Becki will be instituted as our new rector

The Right Reverend John Guernsey, Bishop of the Diocese of the Holy Spirit

will be celebrant

The Reverend Shawn Hill, friend of and mentor to Pastor Becki

will be the preacher

Reception to follow.


Please respond to this email if:

    1.  you can assist with child care during the service.

2. If you know you will need child care.

We will have paid workers for the nursery.  


Friday, Dec. 18th

Christmas Caroling and Fellowship

7:00 Gather at the Town Hall to carol in neighboring areas

8:30 Spiced Cider, hot cocoa and cookies at the "304"

RSVP by emailing Pastor Becki at bicthus@aol.com

Or by calling the office at 703-961-1983

Let's have a good turn out to shpread and share the love of Jesus

( and to make merry and have fun together!)


Sunday, December 20th

10:00 Worship with Children's Christmas Pageant


Thursday, December 24th

5:00 Christmas Eve Service for all ages.

Come and worship the newborn king!



For this Sunday


This Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent. The readings include: Zephaniah 3:14-20, Canticle 9, Philippians 4:4-7, and Luke 3:7-18.


This third Sunday of Advent is often called "love" Sunday, or Gaudete Sunday. The word Gaudete means "rejoice." We rejoice as we draw near to the time of the nativity of our Lord. Paul reminds us in the epistle reading fro the day that we are to "Rejoice in the Lord always!"  Advent is a time when we draw very near to God - who draws very near to us, and most especially in the Person of Jesus. Join us this Sunday to celebrate his coming into the world.





The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924

Friday, December 4, 2009

Special Events

Sunday, Dec. 6th

Ingathering of Pledge Cards during our 10 AM worship.

Please bring your pledge card to church with you so that it can be presented at the altar and blessed. For those who did not receive a card (and for those who forget) we will have some available for you.


4:00 – 6:00

Craft Evening for children in grades K-5.

K-2 at the Wheelers; 3-5 at the Branch's

RSVP Required.

Call the church office at 703-961-1983

to let us know your child(ren) plan(s) to attend.


Sunday, Dec. 13th

10:00 Worship

Father Andrew as celebrant and preacher


4:00 Celebration of New Ministry

Pastor Becki will be instituted as our new rector

The Right Reverend John Guernsey, Bishop

of the Diocese of the Holy Spirit will be celebrant.

The Reverend Shawn Hill, friend of and mentor to Pastor Becki

will be the preacher.

Reception to follow.


Friday, Dec. 18th

Christmas Caroling and Fellowship

7:00 Gather at the Town Hall to carol in neighboring areas

8:30 Spiced Cider, hot cocoa and cookies at the "304"

RSVP by emailing Pastor Becki at bicthus@aol.com

Or by calling the office at 703-961-1983


For this Sunday

This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent. The readings include: Malachi 3:1-4, Canticle 16, Philippians 1:3-11, and Luke 3:1-6.


This Sunday we will explore the meaning of living in this time between the first coming of Christ – his ADVENT, and his second coming, his return. Notice that the word Advent is a part of the word ADVENTure. We are a part of the adventure of the time between. And during this time of ADVENTure, we are called to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus – to be that prophetic voice that is heard in the world. 


In the Gospel lesson we hear the prophet's call in the words of John the Baptist and in the echo of Isaiah. What does it mean today to prepare the way of the Lord? What action does such a call require of us as 21st century Americans?  We hear a lot about prophetic voices – how can we gauge a true prophet versus a false prophet? Join us this Sunday and hear about our role in this age of ADVENTure! See you then.

(no subject)

Sunday, Dec. 6th

Ingathering of Pledge Cards during our 10 AM worship.

Please bring your pledge card to church with you so that it can be presented at the altar and blessed. For those who did not receive a card (and for those who forget) we will have some available for you.


4:00 – 6:00

Craft Evening for children in grades K-5.

K-2 at the Wheelers; 3-5 at the Branch's

RSVP Required.

Call the church office at 703-961-1983

to let us know your child(ren) plan(s) to attend.


Sunday, Dec. 13th

10:00 Worship

Father Andrew as celebrant and preacher


4:00 Celebration of New Ministry

Pastor Becki will be instituted as our new rector

The Right Reverend John Guernsey, Bishop of the Diocese of the Holy Spirit

will be celebrant.

The Reverend Shawn Hill, friend of and mentor to Pastor Becki

will be the preacher.

Reception to follow.


Friday, Dec. 18th

Christmas Caroling and Fellowship

7:00 Gather at the Town Hall to carol in neighboring areas

8:30 Spiced Cider, hot cocoa and cookies at the "304"

RSVP by emailing Pastor Becki at bicthus@aol.com

Or by calling the office at 703-961-1983


For this Sunday

This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent. The readings include: Malachi 3:1-4, Canticle 16, Philippians 1:3-11, and Luke 3:1-6.


This Sunday we will explore the meaning of living in this time between the first coming of Christ – his ADVENT, and his second coming, his return. Notice that the word Advent is a part of the word ADVENTure. We are a part of the adventure of the time between. And during this time of ADVENTure, we are called to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus – to be that prophetic voice that is heard in the world. 


In the Gospel lesson we hear the prophet's call in the words of John the Baptist and in the echo of Isaiah. What does it mean today to prepare the way of the Lord? What action does such a call require of us as 21st century Americans?  We hear a lot about prophetic voices – how can we gauge a true prophet versus a false prophet? Join us this Sunday and hear about our role in this age of ADVENTure! See you then.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Special Activities Planned

Sunday, Dec. 6th


Ingathering of Pledge Cards during our 10 AM worship.

Please bring your pledge card to church with you so that it can be presented at the altar and blessed. For those who did not receive a card (and for those who forget) we will have some available for you.


4:00 – 6:00

Craft Evening for children in grades K-5.

K-2 at the Wheelers; 3-5 at the Branch's

RSVP Required.

Call the church office at 703-961-1983

to let us know your child(ren) plan(s) to attend.


Sunday, Dec. 13th


10:00 Worship

Father Andrew as celebrant and preacher


4:00 Celebration of New Ministry

Pastor Becki will be instituted as our new rector

The Right Reverend John Guernsey, Bishop of the Diocese of the Holy Spirit

will be celebrant.

The Reverend Shawn Hill, friend of and mentor to Pastor Becki

will be the preacher.

Reception to follow.


Friday, Dec. 18th


Christmas Caroling and Fellowship

7:00 Gather at the Town Hall to carol in neighboring areas

8:30 Spiced Cider, hot cocoa and cookies at the "304"

RSVP by emailing Pastor Becki at bicthus@aol.com

Or by calling the office at 703-961-1983


For this Sunday


This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent. The readings include: Malachi 3:1-4, Canticle 16, Philippians 1:3-11, and Luke 3:1-6.


This Sunday we will explore the meaning of living in this time between the first coming of Christ – his ADVENT, and his second coming, his return. Notice that the word Advent is a part of the word ADVENTure. We are a part of the adventure of the time between. And during this time of ADVENTure, we are called to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus – to be that prophetic voice that is heard in the world. 


In the Gospel lesson we hear the prophet's call in the words of John the Baptist and in the echo of Isaiah. What does it mean today to prepare the way of the Lord? What action does such a call require of us as 21st century Americans?  We hear a lot about prophetic voices – how can we gauge a true prophet versus a false prophet? Join us this Sunday and hear about our role in this age of ADVENTure! See you then.

The Rev. Becki Neumann+
Rector, South Riding Anglican Church
Office: 703-961-1983
Cell: 240-217-4370
Home: 717-762-0924

Special Activities Planned: Mark Your Calendar

Sunday, Dec. 6th


Ingathering of Pledge Cards during our 10 AM worship.

Please bring your pledge card to church with you so that it can be presented at the altar and blessed. For those who did not receive a card (and for those who forget) we will have some available for you.


4:00 – 6:00

Craft Evening for children in grades K-5.

K-2 at the Wheelers; 3-5 at the Branch's

RSVP Required.

Call the church office at 703-961-1983

to let us know your child(ren) plan(s) to attend.


Sunday, Dec. 13th


10:00 Worship

Father Andrew as celebrant and preacher


4:00 Celebration of New Ministry

Pastor Becki will be instituted as our new rector

The Right Reverend John Guernsey, Bishop of the Diocese of the Holy Spirit

will be celebrant.

The Reverend Shawn Hill, friend of and mentor to Pastor Becki

will be the preacher.

Reception to follow.


Friday, Dec. 18th


Christmas Caroling and Fellowship

7:00 Gather at the Town Hall to carol in neighboring areas

8:30 Spiced Cider, hot cocoa and cookies at the "304"

RSVP by emailing Pastor Becki at bicthus@aol.com

Or by calling the office at 703-961-1983


For this Sunday


This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent. The readings include: Malachi 3:1-4, Canticle 16, Philippians 1:3-11, and Luke 3:1-6.


This Sunday we will explore the meaning of living in this time between the first coming of Christ – his ADVENT, and his second coming, his return. Notice that the word Advent is a part of the word ADVENTure. We are a part of the adventure of the time between. And during this time of ADVENTure, we are called to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus – to be that prophetic voice that is heard in the world. 


In the Gospel lesson we hear the prophet's call in the words of John the Baptist and in the echo of Isaiah. What does it mean today to prepare the way of the Lord? What action does such a call require of us as 21st century Americans?  We hear a lot about prophetic voices – how can we gauge a true prophet versus a false prophet? Join us this Sunday and hear about our role in this age of ADVENTure! See you then.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Special Invitation

The Acting Vestry and People of South Riding Church
joyfully invite you to A Celebration of New Ministry as
the Right Reverend John Guernsey,
Bishop of the Diocese of the Holy Spirit, ACNA,
the Reverend Rebekah Neumann
as Rector of South Riding Anglican Church.
Sunday, December 13th, 2009
4:00 P M 
Little River Elementary School
43464 Hyland Hills Street, 
South Riding, Virginia 
A Reception will follow.
Nursery care will be available for children ages 3 and under.